NoANgMon (Nodejs Angular2 Nginx Mongodb) boilerplate.
- Docker containers config
- Angular2 Redux Boilerplate
- Nodejs API boilerplate
- Mongodb setup
- Nginx config
- CD/CI Jenkins integration
- Anyone can contribute to your project locally without having to setup/install Nodejs, Mongodb, node etc
- Dev enviroment is the same as production enviroment
- Quickly get your NoANgMon project off the ground
- download docker-compose if not already installed Then run the following commands:
$ git clone yourAddDir.
$ docker-compose up
Then you can open the Angular frontend at localhost:3000 and the RESTful Nodejs API at localhost:5000
Changing any frontend (Angular2) code locally will cause a hot-reload in the browser with updates and changing any backend (Nodejs) code locally will also automatically update any changes.
Then to build production images run:
$ docker build ./api --build-arg app_env=production
$ docker build ./frontend --build-arg app_env=production
$ docker build ./db