SuggestionsKit is a framework for iOS that was created in order to provide developers with the opportunity to educate users on various features of applications.
- Xcode 11 / Swift 5+
- iOS 9.0+
- Easy to use in project
- Nice looking animations
- Supports device rotations
- Supports navigation items and tab bar items
- Supports view resizing and changing of position via observation
- Customizable settings
Import SuggestionsKit
import SuggestionsKit
Next you need to create one or more suggestions. Simple init method takes UIVIew
, CGRect
, String
and NSAttributedString
as arguments.
let frameSuggestion2 = Suggestion(frame: .init(x: 100, y: 100, width: 200, height: 200), attributedText: attributedString)
If you pass attributedText
then text
is ignored and if you pass view
then frame
ignored too.
If you pass attributedText
then textColor
and font
from SuggestionsConfig.TextConfig
is ignored
After you just call apply
method of SuggestionManager
Optionaly you could call configre
method to setup suggestions which will presented to user. If this method will not be called then default configuration will be used
And you are done! Next step is just call startShowing
method to start showing suggestions.
If suggestions ended whole view will dissapear automaticaly.
If you want to stop process manualy simply call stopShowing
method of SuggestionManager
If you want to be notified when suggestion come to an end just call completion
method of SuggestionManager
that takes void closure as an argument
.completion {
print("suggestions finished")
Additionally you could create suggestion from tabBarController.tabBar
or navigationController.navigationBar
with help of SuggestionsHelper
let tabBarItems = SuggestionsHelper.findAllBarItems(in: tabBarController?.tabBar)
suggestions += tabBarItems.enumerated()
.map { Suggestion(view: $0.element, text: "Tab bar item \($0.offset)") }
let navItems = SuggestionsHelper.findAllBarItems(in: navigationController?.navigationBar)
let navSuggestions = navItems.enumerated()
.map { Suggestion(view: $0.element, text: $0.offset == 0 ? "back button" : "bar button item") }
suggestions += navSuggestions
Please keep in mind that this functionality is implemented using recursive search of visual elements and may be broken in future versions of iOS
This method does not use private properties for searching
To run the example project, clone the repo, open the SuggestionsKit.xcworkspace
workspace, then select target SuggestionsKit-Example
and you are ready to test the example
SuggestionsKit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'SuggestionsKit'
dependencies: [.package(url: "", Package.Dependency.Requirement.branch("master"))]
SuggestionsKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.