The Solana Shadow crate adds shadows to solana on-chain accounts for off-chain processing. This create synchronises all accounts and their data related to a program in real time and allows off-chain bots to act upon changes to those accounts.
Add this in your Cargo.toml
solana-shadow = "*"
Take a look at the examples/
directory for usage examples.
// this is the prog id that owns all pyth oracles on mainnet
let prog = "FsJ3A3u2vn5cTVofAjvy6y5kwABJAqYWpe4975bi2epH".parse()?;
let network = Network::Mainnet;
let local = BlockchainShadow::new_for_program(&prog, network).await?;
loop {
local.for_each_account(|pubkey, account| {
println!(" - [{}]: {:?}", pubkey, account);
let ethusd = "JBu1AL4obBcCMqKBBxhpWCNUt136ijcuMZLFvTP7iWdB".parse()?;
let btcusd = "GVXRSBjFk6e6J3NbVPXohDJetcTjaeeuykUpbQF8UoMU".parse()?;
let local = BlockchainShadow::new_for_accounts(&vec![ethusd, btcusd], Network::Mainnet).await?;
loop {
let ethacc = shadow.get_account(ðusd).unwrap();
let ethprice = cast::<Price>(ð;
let btcacc = shadow.get_account(&btcusd).unwrap();
let btcprice = cast::<Price>(&;
println!("ETH/USD: {}", ethprice);
println!("BTC/USD: {}", btcprice);
let ethusd = "JBu1AL4obBcCMqKBBxhpWCNUt136ijcuMZLFvTP7iWdB".parse()?;
let btcusd = "GVXRSBjFk6e6J3NbVPXohDJetcTjaeeuykUpbQF8UoMU".parse()?;
let solusd = "H6ARHf6YXhGYeQfUzQNGk6rDNnLBQKrenN712K4AQJEG".parse()?;
// create an offline shadow of the on-chain data.
// whenever the data change on-chain those changes
// will be reflected immediately in this type.
let shadow = BlockchainShadow::new_for_accounts(
&vec![ethusd, btcusd, solusd],
tokio::spawn(async move {
// start printing updates only after 5 seconds
// now everytime an account changes, its pubkey will be
// broadcasted to all receivers that are waiting on updates.
while let Ok((pubkey, account)) = updates_channel.recv().await {
let price = cast::<Price>(&;
println!("account updated: {}: {}", &pubkey, price);