$ pip install sshtunnel-requests
import sshtunnel_requests
requests = sshtunnel_requests.from_url(
'ssh://username@host:port', '<path>/<to>/private_key')
resp = requests.get('http://httpbin.org/ip')
# 200
# public IP of ssh-server machine
reused created tunnel to request more then once:
import sshtunnel_requests
requests = sshtunnel_requests.from_url(
'ssh://username@host:port', '<path>/<to>/private_key')
urls = [
for url in urls:
resp = requests.get(url)
thread example:
import sshtunnel_requests
requests = sshtunnel_requests.from_url(
"ssh://<username>@<ssh server host>[:<port>]",
"<path>/<to>/<private key>"
urls = [
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from concurrent.futures import as_completed
results = []
with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=3) as pool:
futures = []
for url in urls:
f = pool.submit(
lambda _req, _url: _req.get(_url),
requests, url
done_iter = as_completed(futures)
for future in done_iter:
response = future.result()
from pprint import pp
for result in results:
use session:
import sshtunnel_requests
session = sshtunnel_requests.Session.from_url(
"ssh://<username>@<ssh server host>[:<port>]",
"<path>/<to>/<private key>"
assert session.cookies.values() == list()
resp = session.get(
assert resp.json() == {'cookies': {'sessioncookie': '123456789'}}
assert session.cookies.values() == ['123456789']
resp = session.get('http://httpbin.org/ip')
assert 'Cookie' in resp.request.headers
assert resp.request.headers['Cookie'] == 'sessioncookie=123456789'
# public IP of ssh-server machine
- simply use sshtunnel and requests to request HTTP server in internal networking.
- caching ssh tunnel connection to reused next requests of the same server.
- automatic release connection if the ssh tunnel connection has not been used some time (without any consideration of memory leak and fd leak)
- (thread) concurrent support of the same connection.
$ cd e2e_tests && docker-compose up -d; cd ..
$ `which python` -m pip install -U pip
$ pip install .
$ pip install -r requirements_test.txt
$ # cd e2e_tests && docker-compose logs ssh; cd ..
$ # cd e2e_tests && docker-compose exec ssh cat /config/logs/openssh/current; cd ..
$ chmod 600 ./e2e_tests/ssh-server-config/ssh_host_rsa_key
$ # ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" [email protected] -p 2223 -i ./e2e_tests/ssh-server-config/ssh_host_rsa_key -v "uname -a"
$ pytest e2e_tests