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official implementation of rectified contrastive pseudo supervision


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Official implementation of Rectified Contrastive Pseudo Supervision in Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation

🎉 Our work has been accepted by IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics


Xiangyu Zhao, Zengxin Qi, Sheng Wang, Qian Wang, Xuehai Wu, Ying Mao, Lichi Zhang

manuscript link:

This repo contains the implementation of the proposed Rectified Contrastive Pseudo Supervision (RCPS) on two public benchmarks in medical images.
If you find our work useful, please cite the paper:

title={RCPS: Rectified Contrastive Pseudo Supervision for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation},
author={Zhao, Xiangyu and Qi, Zengxin and Wang, Sheng and Wang, Qian and Wu, Xuehai and Mao, Ying and Zhang, Lichi},
journal={IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics},


✅ Provide code for data preparation
✅ Publish model checkpoints
✅ Publish full training code
✅ Publish code for inference
✅ Add support for custom data training


Following previous works, we have validated our method on two benchmark datasets, including 2018 Atrial Segmentation Challenge and NIH Pancreas dataset.
It should be noted that we do not have permissions to redistribute the data. Thus, for those who are interested, please follow the instructions below and process the data, or you will get a mismatching result compared with ours.

Data Preparation


Data Split

We split the data following previous works. Detailed split could be found in folder data, which are stored in .csv files.

Data Preprocessing

Download the data from the url above, then run the script and by passing the arguments of data location.

Prepare Your Own Data

Our RCPS could be extended to other datasets with some modifications.

Before you start

  • All of the data should be formatted as NIFTI, numpy array, or other file formats that MONAI library could handle.
  • Please modify the prepare_experiment function in configs/ define your own task name, and pass the number of classes, class names, as well as the affine matrix of 3D volume data.
  • You need to create a $YOURTASK.cfg file in the configs folder to pass necessary arguments to the algorithm, where #YOURTASK is the task name you defined in your case.

Training with different label ratio

In this scenario, all of the training images are labeled. Semi-supervised learning is deployed to investigate model performance with different labeled data ratio.

In this case, split your training and validation data under the root path of your data storage. The expected structure of data storage is listed below:

- data_root
    - train_images
    - train_labels
    - val_images
    - val_labels

Note that all of the images should be labeled. If some images are viewed as "unlabeled", their segmentation label remain untouched during training, i.e., the labels are not utilized to supervise the training.

Training in real semi-supervision scenario

In this scenario, some of the training images are unlabeled. You are using semi-supervised learning to enhance segmentation performance.

In this case, split your training and validation data under the root path of your data storage. The expected structure of data storage is listed below:

- labeled_root
    - train_images
    - train_labels
    - val_images
    - val_labels
- unlabeled_root
    - train_images

In labeled_root, you should store labeled training and validation data; in unlabeled_root, you should store your extra unlabeled data.

The file should be modified as follows:

from utils.iteration.load_data_v2 import RealSemiSupervisionPipeline
data_pipeline = RealSemiSupervisionPipeline(labeled_root, unlabeled_root)
trainset, unlabeled_set, valset = data_pipeline.get_dataset(train_aug, val_aug, cache_dataset=False)
train_sampler = DistributedSampler(trainset, shuffle=True)
unlabeled_sampler = DistributedSampler(unlabeled_set, shuffle=True)
val_sampler = DistributedSampler(valset)

By using RealSemiSupervisionPipeline, you could generate the corresponding training dataset, unlabeled dataset and test dataset, respectively. Then the training will be identical to LA or Pancreas dataset.

What is the difference between real semi-supervised scene and changing label ratios?

Actually, the difference between real semi-supervised scenarios and changing label ratios is that all of the training data in the later case is labeled (but some of them are treated as unlabeled data, where their labels are ignored and never used for training).

  • In the latter case (changing ratios), you could evaluate the effectiveness of the semi-supervised algorithm and check its performance when changing the ratio of unlabeled data;
  • In the former case (real semi-supervised scenario), you could use the algorithm to enhance the segmentation performance compared with using merely labeled data.

But these two scenarios do NOT alter model effectiveness. Imagine these two cases:

  • 100 labeled images (labeled ratio is set to 10%)
  • 10 labeled images with 90 unlabeled ones

The model should yield very close performance in these two scenarios, as essentially they are identical.


Pretrained Checkpoint

We have provided pretrained checkpoints for our RCPS on LA and NIH-Pancreas datasets.

Google Drive


Baidu Netdisk

Extraction Code (提取码):0512

Training and Inference


To run our code, you need a Linux PC equipped with at least one NVIDIA graphics card. The recommended video memory is at least 8GB. Graphics cards in newer generations (later than Turing) are recommended, as you will get extra speed-up with PyTorch native mixed precision training.

If you encounter CUDA OOM issues, please modify the SAMPLE_NUM argument in the cfg file in configs folder to a smaller value (100, for example).


In order to run our code, please install the latest versions of following packages:



Please enter the following command in the terminal:

Mixed precision training with WandB logging enabled
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$CUDA_DEVICE_NUMBER torchrun --nproc_per_node=$NUM_GPU --mixed --benchmark --task $TASK --exp_name $EXP_NAME --wandb --entity $USER_NAME

CUDA_DEVICE_NUMBER: the CUDA device number visible to the training scripts, could be found by nvidia-smi command;

NUM_GPU: number of GPUs used during training, at least 1 (our DDP supports one-card scenario);

TASK: task name;

EXP_NAME: experiment name;

USER_NAME: user name for WandB.

For further instructions, please run the command with -h argument.


Please enter the following command in the terminal:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=$CUDA_DEVICE_NUMBER torchrun --nproc_per_node=$NUM_GPU --mixed --benchmark --task $TASK --exp_name $EXP_NAME -pc $CKPT

CUDA_DEVICE_NUMBER: the CUDA device number visible to the training scripts, could be found by nvidia-smi command;

NUM_GPU: number of GPUs used during training, at least 1 (our DDP supports one-card scenario);

TASK: task name;

EXP_NAME: experiment name;

CKPT: the file path of checkpoint file.

For further instructions, please run the command with -h argument.


  • Our code is adapted from UAMT, SASSNet, DTC, URPC, MC-Net and SSL4MIS. Thanks these authors for their efforts in building the research community in semi-supervised medical image segmentation.
  • Our code is developed based on medical image analysis library MONAI.


official implementation of rectified contrastive pseudo supervision







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