Woof! This app is a paw-some way to see adorable doggos and discover fun facts about their feline friends. Based on Cat Facts API: https://catfact.ninja/fact and on Dog API: https://dog.ceo/api/breeds/image/random
The "Dog Diary" application is a fun and simple app designed for dog and cat lovers. It combines adorable dog images with interesting cat facts. The app utilizes two publicly available APIs:
- dog.ceo: This API provides random images of various dog breeds.
- catfact.ninja: This API offers a database of interesting and lesser-known facts about cats.
Displays random dog images: Clicking the "What am I thinking about cats?" button will display a random image of a dog.
Displays cat facts: Along with the dog image, a fun fact about cats is presented.
Saves images: Users can save their favorite dog images to their local device.
- Imports: Necessary libraries for GUI elements, network requests, image processing, and clipboard interaction are imported.
- DogImageApp Class:
- init(): Initializes the application window with title, size, and disables resizing. Creates frames and buttons with descriptive text. Assigns tooltips to buttons using the Hovertip class.
- show_dog_and_wisdom(): Fetches a random dog image URL and cat fact concurrently using requests. Handles potential errors gracefully and updates labels with informative messages.
- show_dog_image(image_url): Downloads and displays the dog image at the given URL. Implements error handling for download failures.
- show_wisdom(wisdom_text): Formats and displays the provided cat fact text in the wisdom label.
- save_image(): Saves the currently displayed dog image to a user-chosen location. Handles potential saving errors.
- copy_wisdom_to_clipboard(): Copies the displayed cat fact text to the system clipboard.
- save_wisdom(): Saves the displayed cat fact to a user-chosen text file. Handles potential file operation errors.
- Main Loop: If the script is executed directly, it creates an instance of the DogImageApp class and starts the main application loop (mainloop).