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dev call 20220505

Florian Angerer edited this page May 5, 2022 · 6 revisions

Dev Call: 5 May 2022


Antonio, Simon, Ronan, Du Toit, Gianluca, Stepan, Tim, Florian



Numpy Progress

  • Biggest blocker on CPython: meta classes for heap types
    • Simon just asked Victor (via email) to upstream that.
    • We could implement a workaround by creating the heap type and immediately after the return of PyType_FromSpecWithBases we allocate the struct with the right size and memcpy-ing into it.
    • Pulling-in PyType_FromSpecAndBases into HPy is a mess. It uses a lot of internal functions.
    • Implementation on GraalPython is also not straight forward. CPython's impl _just_ uses the meta class' alloc function but those are not really exposed in GraalPython.
    • Implementation on PyPy is also not easy as far as Ronan remembers.
    • Antonio thinks that heap types are not ready on CPython. We should maybe just 'malloc' a static type and use that (i.e. fill all the members and call PyType_Ready on it).
    • Ronan is not sure if we can hide that we are using static types. But at least in HPy the type object should be opaque that it makes no difference.
  • Numpy also uses slots for _type checks_
    • Matti says: Numpy will remove the type check via slot comparison in future versions.
  • The GraalPython team has made a lot of changes to HPy to make the Numpy port work. We will publish the branch but a lot of that changes are more hacks (just to make progress) and need a proper solution. For example: HPyDict_GetItem: returns a new handle (and not a borrowed one as in CPython). But the actual problem was that it ignores the current exception context. So, the proper solution is to use HPy_GetItem and have a way to save and restore the exception state.


  • Matti tries to spend some time on it.
  • Based on Florian's changes, he tries to make the CI work. Current problem is a compilation error in HPyTuple_Pack when compiling with C++.

SciPy Conference (July 2022)

  • Antonio and Simon submitted an HPy BoF session request to SciPy 2022 in July.


  • Du Toit and Gianluca currently in the literature review progress
  • Next step is to write the thesis proposal
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