A curated list of awesome android testing libraries.
Of course it sometimes includes google's official one.
- JUnit
- AndroidJUnitRunner
- Robolectric
- RoboSpock
- Spek (Kotlin)
- Kotest (Kotlin)
- rxpresso
- Spoon
- spoon-gradle-plugin (Gradle plugin 2.x)
- spoon-gradle-plugin (Gradle plugin 3.x)
- test-butler
- composer
- Barista
TaaS stands for Test as a Service. Usually, TaaS provides us test platform like running test cases and its report. Some services are interesting since they don't provide only running tests on their device farm
- AWS Device Farm
- SauceLabs
- Testdroid
- Scirocco Cloud
- Remote TestKit
- App Center
- Kobiton
- Mobilebox
- HeadSpin
- test.ai
- Magic Pod
- Firebase Test Lab
- calculon
- compile-testing
- screenshot-tests-for-android
- Mobile-Security-Framework-MobSF
- OpenSTF (2.x support API to control devices remotely.)
- Appium Java REPL