Automatically load expressJS routes from a directory.
Supports setting a path directory and allows recursive loading from a directory and sub-directories.
npm install expressjs.routes.autoload --save
const { RoutesLoader } = require('expressjs.routes.autoload');
app.use(RoutesLoader(path.join(__dirname, './routes'), true));
Put your routes files within the ./routes directory and add routes in individual files like this:
module.exports = function(router){
router.get('/', function(req, res) {
return router;
import { RoutesLoader } from 'expressjs.routes.autoload';
app.use(RoutesLoader(path.join(__dirname, './routes'), true));
Put your routes files within the ./routes directory and add routes in individual files like this:
import { Request, Response, Router } from 'express';
export default function (router: Router): Router {
router.get('/', (_req: Request, res: Response) => {
return router;
Please make sure that all files and routes in the routes directory are in the specified format in order to work.
Feel free to create your own hierarchy of files or directories!
- 0.2.0 Typescript support
- 0.1.9 Version bump mocha
- 0.1.8 Version bump express
- 0.1.7 Ignoring other files in routes systems (only loading .js files and ignoring temporary dev files, etc that previously broke the system)
- 0.1.6 Fixed readme + republished as a expressjs.routes.autoload / previously express.js.autoload
- 0.1.3 Fixed package.json typo
- 0.1.2 Fixed readme
- 0.1.1 Fixed paths
- 0.1.0 Initial release