ISSUE-67: Schema registry UI is very slow at initial load
ISSUE-73: Returned schemametadata for a given schema name/id always returns compatibility as 'BACKWARD'.
ISSUE-74: Added API to throw an error if a schema is added violating unique constraints
ISSUE-75: Added request header for throwing errors incase of that schema metadata exists
ISSUE-80: _orderByField should have been handled for inmemory storage manager
ISSUE-84: Enable source jar generation only for relevant maven profiles
ISSUE-85: Changed the UI to add schema for better UX experience
ISSUE-88: Handle union types with null types for default value behavior
ISSUE-91: Add Postgresql scripts
Docs conversion to reStructuredText
REGISTRY-28: Make SPNEGO work with cross realm kerberos setup
ISSUE-90: UI implementation for adding serializers & deserializers for respective schemas
ISSUE-96: Resolved postgres dependencies
ISSUE-99: Kafka avro serializer/deserializer should treat schema name as topic name by default
ISSUE-102: Simplify APIs for registering/fetching serdes api.
ISSUE-105 Added Pagination for schema listing
ISSUE-114: Better handling of Generic/Specific Records
REGISTRY-29: SchemaRegistryClient changes for RegistryClient jaas section
ISSUE-128: Handle null values appropriately in Schema#getTypeOfVal(String val)
ISSUE-132: Allow customising key/value suffix by configuration
Exposed getSchemaKey(String topic, boolean isKey) as it is used by streamline
You can’t perform that action at this time.