Source code for a website displaying corona related statistics for bavaria (state of germany).
You need to get four javascript/css libraries and place them into web/assets which are used by this code, but not included in the repository:
cd web/assets/
wget -O 'leaflet-1.3.4.css' ''
wget -O 'leaflet-1.3.4.js' ''
wget -O 'moment-2.29.3.js' ''
wget -O 'chart-2.9.3.js' ''
This repository can easily be adapted to other germna states. Simply obtain the OSM ID of your state and run the following overpass turbo query:
out body;
out skel qt;
Then export the result as GeoJSON. It is also a good idea to simplify this GeoJSON (which can be pretty large) using a tool such as map