A stock exchange platform made with substrate for undergrad thesis.
- It only supports sell/buy limit order. Market order is technically possible if there are enough traders and transactions in the market, but for now I only track the market value.
- Put sell/buy order
- Give issue rights (substitute for IPO) (sudo)
- Revoke issue rights (sudo)
- Change authorized shares (sudo)
- Issue shares
- Retire shares
- Freeze/unfreeze market (sudo) (sudo means the caller must have sudo keys)
First, use the following command to install Rust and the WASM toolchain
curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly
Next, use the following command to build the node
./exchange_platform/scripts/build.sh && cargo build --release
You can run the developer node with the following command
./exchange_platform/target/release/exchange_platform --dev
Happy hacking!
This is a project developed for an Undergraduate thesis for Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University College of International Management written by Hoon Kim. This thesis has received the Outstanding Thesis Award in the Undergraduate category.