This php library can be used to update array values in a php file. The library can be used by applications that use php array to store configuration values. It makes updating config array possible programatically.
- Download the library and extract it to a folder in your application. The folder choice depends on your application structure.
the class library in your script
require_once 'class-array-config-writer.php';```
The class supports autoload via composer
- Create an instance of
class for the file that needs to be updated:
$config_writer = new Array_Config_Writer($config_file, $variable_name , $auto_save );
Where :
- $config_file (string) : The absolute path to the file where the array is declared.
- $variable_name (string) : The variable name of the array to update.
- $auto_save (boolean) : Whether the library should automatically save the changes.
We can start updating values:
$config_writer->write('key' , value );
- You can set value to any php variable type.
- The library treats numeric index "as is". Meaning '21' is different from 21
Supported variable Styles:
- Single index
$config[ 'key'] = 'value' ;
- Multi dimensional
$config['key1']['key2'] = 'value';
note You can not use the library to update the following format:
$config = array( 'key' => 'value' );
- The library expect the variable to be indexed.
- The file can have other variables aside our target variable.
PHP File config.php
| Site Name
$config[ 'site_name'] = 'Example Site';
| Enable caching
$config[ 'enable_caching'] = true;
| Custom Array
$config[ 'message'] = array(
'title' => 'Welcome' ,
'body' => 'Thanks for your interest in the library'
| Another Config Variable for the database
$db[ 'database'] = '';
$db[ 'username'] = '';
Create an instance of the library:
$config_writer = new Array_Config_Writer( APP_PATH.'config/config.php', 'config' );
Update a value by index. The site_name for instance:
$config_writer->write('site_name' , "New Site Name' );
The file config.php should be updated
$config_writer->write('site_name' , "New Site Name' )
->write('enable_caching' , false );
To update the 'message'
index which has array has value
- First get the current value
$message = $config['message'];
- Then change its value(s)
$message['title'] = 'My New title' ;
$message['body'] = 'New message body' ;
- Or completely set new value for the message index (assuming the admin posted form. Ideally you would validate submission)
$message = $_POST['message'];
Save it with the library
$config_writer->write('message' , $message );
You need phpunit to run the test cases
$ phpunit