- Install JDK 8+ and Maven 3.3+
- Install MySQL Server
Install MySQL and run the following SQL:
CREATE USER 'ngspring'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'ngspring'@'localhost';
INSERT INTO event(event_id,event_description,start_date,end_date,insert_date,deleted)
VALUES("1", "(Responsive) UI Testing mit Galen", "2015-08-18", NULL, "2015-07-01", false);
INSERT INTO event(event_id,event_description,start_date,end_date,insert_date,deleted)
VALUES("2", "Ein großes Event für Groß und Klein, damit auch jeder was davon hat!", "2015-08-01", "2015-08-21", "2015-07-01", false);
INSERT INTO event(event_id,event_description,start_date,end_date,insert_date,deleted)
VALUES("3", "Clean Code Session", "2015-08-03", "2015-08-05", "2015-07-01", false);
INSERT INTO event(event_id,event_description,start_date,end_date,insert_date,deleted)
VALUES("4", "Spieleabend", "2015-08-01", NULL, "2015-07-01", false);
INSERT INTO user(user_id,user_name,password,insert_date,enabled,deleted)
VALUES ("1", "user", "$2a$10$o2C6NPSNsq45fV.qArHXiep0OGb4YNCODGQNFpKWQ7TX7jZuiCKYq", "2015-07-01", true, false);
- Start the MySQL Server
$ mvn spring-boot:run -Dspring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql:// -Dflyway.url=jdbc:mysql://
- Install VirtualBox
- Install NodeJS and npm (http://nodejs.org/download/)
- Install docker (optional)
Run maven
$ mvn clean install idea:idea eclipse:eclipse
Projects can now imported in your favourite IDE
- start the backend:
$ vagrant up
$ cd angular-spring-boot-webapp
$ mvn spring-boot:run
- start the frontend:
$ cd angular-spring-boot-webapp
$ npm start
Browser now opens localhost:9000 and you can add some events ;)
Note: Any changes in the frontend will be lead to a reload in the browser
Backend is available at with user/password
$ mvn -Pdocker spring-boot:run