Assembly Visualizer is a data visualization plugin for .NET decompilers, currently supporting ILSpy and Reflector.
Copyright 2011 - 2015 Denis Markelov
Licensed under the Microsoft Public License
- GraphSharp: Ms-PL
- QuickGraph: Ms-PL
- WPFExtensions: Ms-PL
Type hierarchies visualizer, starting from the superclass.
Usage: 'Browse Assembly' context menu item for assemblies,
'Visualize Descendants' context menu item for types.
Type hierarchy visualizer from selected type to the inheritance root.
Usage: 'Browse Ancestry' context menu item for types.
Type member interactions visualizer.
Usage: 'Browse Interactions' context menu item for types.
Assembly references visualizer.
Usage: 'Browse Dependencies' context menu item for assemblies.
Download the latest build from the Downloads section, put assembly into the folder with your decompiler's
executable. For Reflector you also need to add it explicitly at Tools -> Add-Ins window.