This is a demo app which shows how to use together:
- core
- Mongodb
- JWT tokens
- Angularjs2
- Webpack
- Ninject
Source based on JavaScriptServices
Work in progress.
- Logging
- Code cleanup
- add redux.js
- https
- Password hashing
- Tests
- More correct angular js modularization. Remove data loading from ctors.
Steps to run
Install dotnet core:
Install latest nodejs and npm:
Change mongo db connection string in .\Source\Books\appsettings.json
Current value:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "mongodb://localhost:27017/DemoDb"
Open commandline and run:
cd .\Source\Books
dotnet restore
cd ..\Books.Domain
dotnet restore
cd ..\Books
npm install
dotnet run --configuration Release
Open browser: http://localhost:5000/