Control DMX devices via Art-Net by MQTT.
This is the headless counterpart to the MQTT DMX Controller. Uses scenes and sequences created with - and exported from - the MQTT DMX Controller that can be controlled via MQTT.
Node.js >= 6 needed.
sudo npm install -g mqtt-dmx-sequencer
mqtt-dmx-sequencer --help
Usage: mqtt-dmx-sequencer [options]
-v, --verbosity possible values: "error", "warn", "info", "debug"
[default: "info"]
-a, --address artnet host address [default: ""]
-p, --port artnet host port [default: 6454]
-n, --name instance name. used as mqtt client id and as prefix for
connected topic [default: "dmx"]
-j, --scenes json file containing scene definitions [default:
-s, --sequences json file containing sequence definitions [default:
-u, --url mqtt broker url. See
[default: "mqtt://"]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
Topic structure follows mqtt-smarthome architecture.
set a channels value
payload: integer number. channel value, min 0, max 255
call a scene
payload (optional): float number. transition time in seconds.
start a sequence or change options of a running sequence
payload (optional): json object with following attributes:
- repeat (boolean)
- shuffle (boolean)
- speed (float number)
stop a running sequence
stop all running sequences
MIT © Sebastian Raff