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Simple case class serialization for Reactivemongo


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Provides simple serialization for ReactiveMongo - reactive, asynchronous and non-blocking Scala driver for MongoDB.

This started as a fork of Play-ReactiveMongo as it seemed like a good idea to refactor out the coupling to a Play application. However, since version 7.x.x the dependency to the fork has been dropped in favour of the original reactivemongo driver.

With some minimal effort, as the ReactiveMongo people had already done the majority of the work, we felt that adding a base repository class creates a library without some of the issues the other simpler libraries have.

Upgrading from 7.x.x to 8.x.x?

Major changes:

  • Library is built for Scala 2.12 and Play 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8.
  • The deprecated MongoDbConnection has been removed (since it depended on a static Play application which is no longer available in Play 2.8). Inject ReactiveMongoComponent instead.

Upgrading from 6.x.x to 7.x.x?

Major changes:

  • The dependency to HMRC's fork of reactivemongo has been dropped in favour of the original reactivemongo driver. Version 7.x.x depends now on reactivemongo 0.16.0.
  • It got merged with play-reactivemongo so all classes which used to be provided by that library are now in simple-reactivemongo (for instance ReactiveMongoHmrcModule Play module and ReactiveMongoComponent). As a consequence simple-reactivemongo should be the only dependency a service would require for interactions with MongoDB. There will be no new version of play-reactivemongo depending on the simple-reactivemongo 7.x.x or above.
  • There are two versions of the library released for two versions of Play. So 7.x.x-play-25 and 7.x.x-play-26 are compatible with Play 2.5 and 2.6 respectively.
  • you may get more warnings if your connection string includes nonexistent hosts, the solution then is to fix the connection string and only keep valid hosts
  • reactivemongo 0.16.0 brings some breaking changes which should be addressed on upgraded to 7.x.x. More can be found here.
  • MongoDbConnection has been deprecated and ReactiveMongoComponent is the new provider of MongoConnector instances.
  • ReactiveRepository was enriched with new findAndUpdate and count methods.
  • AtomicUpdate trait has become deprecated as similar functionality is provided now by ReactiveRepository.findAndUpdate.

Upgrading from 5.x.x to 6.x.x?

With version 6.x.x of simple-reactivemongo, we are moving to the latest version of reactivemongo which comes with a few braking changes documented here:

You will most likely encounter some of the following issues. Please have a look on how we recommend to fix them.

No Json serializer as JsObject found

Due to keeping parity with upstream, companion objects for inner classes do not have the ImplicitBSONHandlers handlers. If you see an error like this: No Json serializer as JsObject found for type reactivemongo.bson.BSONDocument. Try to implement an implicit OWrites or OFormat for this type. Try adding the following import


WriteResult is no longer an Exception

The type hierarchy of the trait WriteResult has changed in new version of reactivemongo. It’s no longer an Exception. As it no longer represents errors in the public API, the following properties have been removed: errmsg, hasErrors, inError and message.

simple-reactivemongo previously exposed inError, something that is no longer possible.

Also, given that the LastError was part of the WriteResult, it used to be returned in a Future.Success, now it's returned in a Future.Failure.

If you have something like this in your code:

collection.doSomething([...]) map {
    case lastError if lastError.inError => // handle the error
    case _ => // return successfully

Now, you have to do this:

collection.doSomething([...]) map {
    case _ => // return successfully
} recover {
   case lastError => // handle the error

Main features

CASE CLASS <-> JSON <-> BSON conversion

Simple-reactivemongo uses Play Json to serialise/deserialise JSON to/from case classes and there is a specialized collection called JSONCollection that deals naturally with JSValue and JSObject instead of ReactiveMongo's BSONDocument.

Add simple-reactivemongo

In your project/build.sbt:

resolvers += Resolver.bintrayRepo("hmrc", "releases")

libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
  "" %% "simple-reactivemongo" % "[INSERT_VERSION]"
  • For Play 2.5.x and above use versions <=7.x.x-play-25
  • For Play 2.6.x and above use versions <=7.x.x-play-26
  • For Java 7 and Play 2.3.x use versions <=4.1.0

Create a Repository class

Create a case class that represents data model to be serialized/deserialised to MongoDB.

Create JSON Read/Write converters. Or if you are doing nothing special create a companion object for the case class with an implicit member set by play.api.libs.json.Json.format[A]

Extend ReactiveRepository which will provide you with some commonly used functionality.

If the repository requires any indexes override indexes: Seq[Index] to provide a sequence of indexes that will be applied. Any errors will be logged and instantiation of the repository should fail.

If you prefer to drop the underscore for the 'id' field in the domain case class then wrap the domain formats in ReactiveMongoFormats.mongoEntity

case class TestObject(aField: String,
                      anotherField: Option[String] = None,
                      optionalCollection: Option[List[NestedModel]] = None,
                      nestedMapOfCollections: Map[String, List[Map[String, Seq[NestedModel]]]] = Map.empty,
                      modifiedDetails: CreationAndLastModifiedDetail = CreationAndLastModifiedDetail(),
                      jsValue: Option[JsValue] = None,
                      location : Tuple2[Double, Double] = (0.0, 0.0),
                      id: BSONObjectID = BSONObjectID.generate) {

  def markUpdated(implicit updatedTime: DateTime) = copy(
    modifiedDetails = modifiedDetails.updated(updatedTime)


object TestObject {

  import ReactiveMongoFormats.{objectIdFormats, mongoEntity}

  implicit val formats = mongoEntity {

    implicit val locationFormat = TupleFormats.tuple2Format[Double, Double]

    implicit val nestedModelformats = Json.format[NestedModel]


import javax.inject._
import reactivemongo.bson.BSONObjectID
import play.modules.reactivemongo.ReactiveMongoComponent

class SimpleTestRepository @Inject()(mongoComponent: ReactiveMongoComponent)
    extends ReactiveRepository[TestObject, BSONObjectID](
      collectionName = "simpleTestRepository",
      mongo          = mongoComponent.mongoConnector.db,
      domainFormat   = TestObject.formats,
      idFormat       = ReactiveMongoFormats.objectIdFormats
    ) {

  import reactivemongo.api.indexes.IndexType
  import reactivemongo.api.indexes.Index

  override def indexes: Seq[Index] = Seq(
    Index(Seq("aField" -> IndexType.Ascending), name = Some("aFieldUniqueIdx"), unique = true, sparse = true)

(See ReactiveRepositorySpec for example usage)

Built-in JSON converters (Formats) for often used types

Formats for BSONObjectId and Joda time classes are implemented (see ReactiveMongoFormats)

Configuration Options

There is a default timeout of 10 seconds when making connections with Mongo. This value is configurable by setting the key within your application.conf:


This library also allows setting of a FailoverStrategy via configuration, which defines if (and how) database operation should be retried if ReactiveMongo can't communicate with the cluster.

For example, this is the default failover strategy enabled by ReactiveMongo. It retries 10 times at these intervals: 125ms, 250ms, 375ms, 500ms, 625ms, 750ms, 875ms, 1s, 1125ms, 1250ms

mongodb.failoverStrategy {
  retries = 10
  initialDelayMsecs = 100
  delay {
    factor = 1.25
    function = linear

The delay block has been introduced by this library. factor should be a Double, and function should be one of linear, static, exponential, or fibonacci. For the function definitions, please refer to the code in the DelayFactor object.

mongodb.defaultHeartbeatFrequencyMS allows setting of the connection string property of the same name. If both are set, the connection string property takes precedence.

Configure underlying Akka system

ReactiveMongo loads it's configuration from the key mongo-async-driver

To change the log level (prevent dead-letter logging for example)

mongo-async-driver {
  akka {
    loglevel = WARNING