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This is a front-end service for supplying Digital Assistants(DA) and Webchats to users. It provides the following types of DAs:

  1. Popup - reactive (click to chat)
  2. Popup - proactive (pops up automatically on the page)
  3. Embedded - full page - Nuance skin
  4. Embedded - full page - HMRC skin

URLs containing \webchat are used for popup versions of the DA and URLs containing \chat are used for embedded DAs.

This application uses node 12. Follow these steps if you don't know how to set your local version of node to 12:

First of all, we need nvm (node version manager, so that we can run node 12)

curl -o- | bash

With nvm installed, we can set our node version to 12

nvm install 12
nvm use 12

Running from source

Clone the repository using SSH:

[email protected]:hmrc/digital-engagement-platform-frontend.git

Run the code from source using:


Dependencies will also need to be started from source or using Service Manager.

To access the various types of DAs you can use the following URLs (examples):

Reactive popup http://localhost:9956/ask-hmrc/webchat/customs-international-trade?url=

Embedded with Nuance skin http://localhost:9956/ask-hmrc/chat/self-assessment?url=

Embedded with HMRC skin http://localhost:9956/ask-hmrc/chat/ask-hmrc-online?url=

NOTE: to see the DA on a page in your local environment, this service must be ran from source and you will need to add the url query parameter to any URL which states the QA environment equivalent. This is so, locally, you can interact with Nuance's pre-prod environment.

Running through service manager

The application runs on port 9956

You need to be on the VPN

Ensure your Service Manager config is up to date, and run the following command:


This will start all the required services

Unit tests

To run the unit tests execute

sbt test

This application also uses JavaScript code, and there is a set of JavaScript tests to cover the behaviour the system intends. The service uses gulp.js to pipeline all the JavaScript tests into the sbt test pipeline. To be able to run JavaScript tests in isolation you will need gulp.js and also jest (the test runner currently used).

Let's install gulp cli then we can run gulp commands:

npm install --global gulp-cli

Now, all we have left is to install jest globally:

npm install --global jest

We now can run our JavaScripts tests with:

gulp jest

or, since you have jest globally


Custom gulp commands

To wipe all your node modules use the below command, after that - if you do sbt-test it will automatically run an npm-install (or you can do npm-install manually)

gulp clean:node_modules

Our JavaScript code is bundled at compile time, if you want to check what the bundled code will look like locally, please run:

gulp bundle

The bundled code will be created within app/assets/javascripts/bundle/gtm_dl.js


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.