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Terraform module for Azure Database for PostgreSQL - Flexible Server


provider "azurerm" {
  features {}

provider "azurerm" {
  features {}
  skip_provider_registration = true
  alias                      = "postgres_network"
  subscription_id            = var.aks_subscription_id

variable "postgres_geo_redundant_backups" {
  default = false


postgres_geo_redundant_backups = true

module "postgresql" {

  providers = {
    azurerm.postgres_network = azurerm.postgres_network
  source = "[email protected]:hmcts/terraform-module-postgresql-flexible?ref=master"
  env    = var.env

  product       = var.product
  component     = var.component
  business_area = "sds" # sds or cft

  # The original subnet is full, this is required to use the new subnet for new databases
  subnet_suffix = "expanded"

  pgsql_databases = [
      name : "application"

  pgsql_sku     = "GP_Standard_D2ds_v4"
  pgsql_version = "16"

  geo_redundant_backups = var.postgres_geo_redundant_backups

  # Changing the value of the trigger_password_reset variable will trigger Terraform to rotate the password of the pgadmin user.
  trigger_password_reset = "any value here"
  # The ID of the principal to be granted admin access to the database server.
  # On Jenkins it will be injected for you automatically as jenkins_AAD_objectId.
  # Otherwise change the below:
  admin_user_object_id = var.jenkins_AAD_objectId
  common_tags = var.common_tags

variable "aks_subscription_id" {} # provided by the Jenkins library, ADO users will need to specify this

Access to databases

VNet injection is used to restrict network access to PostgreSQL flexible servers. This means that you can't access the database directly from your local machine. Typically, you will need to set up an SSH tunnel to access the database you want to.

All developers can access non production databases with reader access.

Security cleared developers can access production DBs using just in time access and an approved business justification.

Note: access is only granted on a case by case basis, and is removed automatically

More process details to follow, it's currently being worked out.

Non production:

First time setup

  1. Join either 'DTS CFT Developers' or 'DTS SDS Developers' AAD group via GitHub pull request
Bastion configuration

Ensure you have Azure CLI version 2.22.1 or later installed

Run az login

Ensure ssh extension for the Azure CLI is installed: 'az extension add --name ssh'

Run az ssh config --ip \* --file ~/.ssh/config

Steps to access

  1. Connect to the VPN
  2. Request access to the non production bastion via JIT, this will be automatically approved, and lasts for 24 hours.
  3. Copy below script, update the variables (search for all references to draft-store and replace with your DB) and run it
# If you haven't logged in before you may need to login, uncomment the below line:
# az login
# this should give you a long JWT token, you will need this later on
az account get-access-token --resource-type oss-rdbms --query accessToken -o tsv


export PGPASSWORD=<result-from-earlier>

# you can get this from the portal, or determine it via the inputs your pass to this module in your code

# this matches the `database_name` parameter you pass in the module

DB_USER="DTS\ CFT\ DB\ Access\ Reader" # read access
#DB_USER="DTS\ Platform\ Operations" # operations team administrative access

psql "sslmode=require host=${POSTGRES_HOST} dbname=${DB_NAME} user=${DB_USER}"

Note: it's also possible to tunnel the connection to your own machine and use other tools to log in, IntelliJ database tools works, pgAdmin 4 works with a workaround for the password field length limit, when creating a new connection untick the "Connect now?" option and don't set the password, save the connection, afterwards when trying to connect a newly created db connection, the password pop up will accept the long password token generated.

Tunnel version of the script
# you can get this from the portal, or determine it via the inputs your pass to this module in your code

ssh -N -L 5440:${POSTGRES_HOST}:5432
# expect no more output in this terminal you won't get an interactive prompt

# in a separate terminal run:
export PGPASSWORD=$(az account get-access-token --resource-type oss-rdbms --query accessToken -o tsv)
# this matches the `database_name` parameter you pass in the module

DB_USER="DTS\ CFT\ DB\ Access\ Reader" # read access
#DB_USER="DTS\ Platform\ Operations" # operations team administrative access

psql "sslmode=require host=localhost port=5440 dbname=${DB_NAME} user=${DB_USER}"


First time setup

  1. Join either 'DTS CFT Developers' or 'DTS SDS Developers' AAD group via GitHub pull request
  2. Request access to production via JIT, this requires SC clearance, or an approved exception. Note: after this is approved it can take some time for the other packages to show up, try logging out and back in.

Ensure you have Azure CLI version 2.22.1 or later installed

Run az login

Ensure ssh extension for the Azure CLI is installed: 'az extension add --name ssh'

Run az ssh config --ip \* --file ~/.ssh/config

Steps to access

  1. Request access to the database that you need via JIT, the naming convention is Database - <product> (read|write) access.
  2. Wait till it's approved, you can also message in #db-self-service on slack.
  3. Connect to the VPN
  4. Copy below script, update the variables (search for all references to draft-store and replace with your DB), and run it
# If you haven't logged in before you may need to login, uncomment the below line:
# az login
# this should give you a long JWT token, you will need this later on
az account get-access-token --resource-type oss-rdbms --query accessToken -o tsv

# follow the prompts to login

export PGPASSWORD=<result-from-earlier>

# you can get this from the portal, or determine it via the inputs your pass to this module in your code

# this matches the `database_name` parameter you pass in the module

# make sure you update the product name in the middle to your product
DB_USER="DTS\ JIT\ Access\ draft-store\ DB\ Reader\ SC" # read access
#DB_USER="DTS\ Platform\ Operations\ SC" # operations team administrative access

psql "sslmode=require host=${POSTGRES_HOST} dbname=${DB_NAME} user=${DB_USER}"
# note: some users have experienced caching issues with their AAD token:
# psql: error: FATAL:  Azure AD access token not valid for role DTS JIT Access send-letter DB Reader SC (does not contain group ID c9e865ee-bc88-40d9-a5c1-23831f0ce255)
# the fix is to clear the cache and login again: rm -rf ~/.azure && az login

Note: it's also possible to tunnel the connection to your own machine and use other tools to log in, IntelliJ database tools works, pgAdmin 4 works with a workaround for the password field length limit, when creating a new connection untick the "Connect now?" option and don't set the password, save the connection, afterwards when trying to connect a newly created db connection, the password pop up will accept the long password token generated.

Tunnel version of the script
# you can get this from the portal, or determine it via the inputs your pass to this module in your code

ssh -L 5440:${POSTGRES_HOST}:5432
# expect no more output in this terminal you won't get an interactive prompt

# in a separate terminal run:
export PGPASSWORD=$(az account get-access-token --resource-type oss-rdbms --query accessToken -o tsv)

# this matches the `database_name` parameter you pass in the module

# make sure you update the product name in the middle to your product
DB_USER="DTS\ JIT\ Access\ draft-store\ DB\ Reader\ SC" # read access
#DB_USER="DTS\ Platform\ Operations\ SC" # operations team administrative access

psql "sslmode=require host=localhost port=5440 dbname=${DB_NAME} user=${DB_USER}"


Name Version
azuread n/a
azurerm n/a
azurerm.postgres_network n/a
null n/a
random n/a
terraform n/a


Name Type
azurerm_log_analytics_workspace.pgsql_log_analytics_workspace resource
azurerm_monitor_action_group.db-alerts-action-group resource
azurerm_monitor_diagnostic_setting.pgsql_diag resource
azurerm_monitor_metric_alert.db_alert_cpu resource
azurerm_monitor_metric_alert.db_alert_memory resource
azurerm_monitor_metric_alert.db_alert_storage_utilization resource
azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server.pgsql_server resource
azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_active_directory_administrator.pgsql_adadmin resource
azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_active_directory_administrator.pgsql_principal_admin resource
azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_configuration.pgsql_server_config resource
azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_database.pg_databases resource
azurerm_postgresql_flexible_server_firewall_rule.pg_firewall_rules resource
azurerm_resource_group.rg resource
null_resource.set-schema-ownership resource
null_resource.set-user-permissions-additionaldbs resource
random_password.password resource
terraform_data.trigger_password_reset resource
azuread_group.db_admin data source
azuread_service_principal.mi_name data source
azurerm_client_config.current data source
azurerm_key_vault_secret.email_address data source
azurerm_subnet.pg_subnet data source
azurerm_subscription.current data source


Name Description Type Default Required
action_group_name The name of the Action Group to create. string "db_alerts_action_group_name" no
admin_user_object_id The ID of the principal to be granted admin access to the database server, should be the principal running this normally. If you are using Jenkins pass through the variable 'jenkins_AAD_objectId'. any null no
alert_frequency The frequency of the alert check. string "PT5M" no
alert_severity The severity level of the alert (1=Critical, 2=Warning ...). number 1 no
alert_window_size The period over which the metric is evaluated. string "PT15M" no
auto_grow_enabled Specifies whether the storage auto grow for PostgreSQL Flexible Server is enabled? Defaults to false. bool false no
backup_retention_days Backup retention period in days for the PGSql instance. Valid values are between 7 & 35 days number 35 no
business_area business_area name - sds or cft. any n/a yes
charset Specifies the Charset for the Azure PostgreSQL Flexible Server Database, which needs to be a valid PostgreSQL Charset. string "utf8" no
collation Specifies the Collation for the Azure PostgreSQL Flexible Server Database, which needs to be a valid PostgreSQL Collation. string "en_GB.utf8" no
common_tags Common tag to be applied to resources. map(string) n/a yes
component string n/a yes
cpu_threshold Average CPU utilisation threshold number 80 no
create_mode The creation mode which can be used to restore or replicate existing servers string "Default" no
email_address_key Email address key in azure Key Vault. string "" no
email_address_key_vault_id Email address Key Vault Id. string "" no
email_receivers A map of email receivers, with keys as names and values as email addresses. map(string) {} no
enable_qpi Enables Query Performance Insight. Creates Log Analytics workspace and diagnostic setting needed bool false no
enable_read_only_group_access Enables read only group support for accessing the database bool true no
enable_schema_ownership Enables the schema ownership script. Change this to true if you want to use the script. Defaults to false bool false no
env Environment value. string n/a yes
force_schema_ownership_trigger Update this to a new value to force the schema ownership script to run again. string "" no
force_user_permissions_trigger Update this to a new value to force the user permissions script to run again string "" no
geo_redundant_backups Enable geo-redundant backups for the PGSql instance. bool false no
high_availability Overrides the automatic selection of high availability mode for the PostgreSQL Flexible Server. Generally you shouldn't set this yourself. bool null no
kv_name Update this with the name of the key vault that stores the single server secrets. Defaults to product-env. string "" no
kv_subscription Update this with the name of the subscription where the single server key vault is. Defaults to DCD-CNP-DEV. string "DCD-CNP-DEV" no
location Target Azure location to deploy the resource string "UK South" no
memory_threshold Average memory utilisation threshold number 80 no
name The default name will be product+component+env, you can override the product+component part by setting this string "" no
pass_secret_name Update this with the name of the secret that stores the single server password. Defaults to product-componenet-POSTGRES-PASS. string "" no
pgsql_admin_username Admin username string "pgadmin" no
pgsql_databases Databases for the pgsql instance. list(object({ name : string, collation : optional(string), charset : optional(string) })) n/a yes
pgsql_delegated_subnet_id PGSql delegated subnet id. string "" no
pgsql_firewall_rules Postgres firewall rules list(object({ name : string, start_ip_address : string, end_ip_address : string })) [] no
pgsql_server_configuration Postgres server configuration list(object({ name : string, value : string }))
"name": "backslash_quote",
"value": "on"
pgsql_sku The PGSql flexible server instance sku string "GP_Standard_D2s_v3" no
pgsql_storage_mb Max storage allowed for the PGSql Flexibile instance number 65536 no
pgsql_storage_tier The storage tier, this should be left as null but may need to be overriden to allow increased storage. string null no
pgsql_version The PGSql flexible server instance version. string n/a yes
product string n/a yes
public_access Specifies whether or not public access is allowed for this PostgreSQL Flexible Server. Defaults to false. bool false no
resource_group_name Name of existing resource group to deploy resources into string null no
restore_time The point in time to restore. Only used when create mode is set to PointInTimeRestore any null no
sms_receivers A map of SMS receivers, with keys as names and values as maps containing country code and phone number.
country_code = string
phone_number = string
{} no
source_server_id Source server ID for point in time restore. Only used when create mode is set to PointInTimeRestore any null no
storage_threshold Average storage utilisation threshold number 80 no
subnet_suffix Suffix to append to the subnet name, the originally created one used by this module is full in a number of environments. string null no
trigger_password_reset Setting this to a different value, e.g. '1' will trigger terraform to rotate the password. string "" no
user_secret_name Update this with the name of the secret that stores the single server username. Defaults to product-componenet-POSTGRES-USER. string "" no
webhook_receivers A map of webhook receivers, with keys as names and values as URLs. map(string) {} no


Name Description
fqdn n/a
instance_id n/a
password n/a
resource_group_location n/a
resource_group_name n/a
username n/a


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Terraform module for Azure PostgreSQL Flexible Server







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