This is a clone of the famous Flappy Bird game written in HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.
- 480x320 pixel game canvas that resizes with the browser window.
- All positions and sizes defined using a 10px em. This means that the game could be scaled up and down by changing the base font-size.
- Jump: Space/Mouseclick/Tap
- Mute: M
- Collision Visualization: C
- Make the bird jump.
- Don't hit the pipes or the ground.
- Remain calm and have fun!
- Nightmare Mode song:
npm install
bower install
grunt serve
- Random background (night / day)
- Random bird color
- Bird bounces if he hits an obstacle
- Circle-Rectangle collision calculations by calculating the distance to the closest points on the pipes and checking if they intersect with the circle area of the bird (function checkPipeCollision() in player.js)
- Press C on your keyboard to see the collision detection in action!
- Press M on your keyboard to mute audio!
- Nightmare mode!
- Medals for points over 10, 20, 30 & 40