One thing I miss from textmate? ⌘R and ⌥⌘R.
The former would run the current script and display output in a separate window. The latter would run selected code (or the current line).
This simple plugin aims to mimic that.
The following interpreters should work out of the box.
let g:forrestgumps = {
"php": ["php", "<?php "],
"python": ["python"],
"ruby": ["ruby"],
"perl": ["perl"],
"javascript": ["node"],
"coffee": ["coffee"],
"sh": ["sh"]
" Example:
"&filetype": ["/usr/bin/&filetype", "Prepend this to code"]
If no filetype is set, it will try to find a shebang line in the script.
nmap <leader>r Run entire file (doesn't have to be saved)
vmap <leader>r Run current or selected line(s)