It is a movie-searching app, which allows users to find information about movies. Data will be pulled from The Movie Database’s (TMDb) API (
- Xcode 9.4
- Swift 4
- iPhone 8
- Users can search for movies, and up to 20 movies are shown as a result.
- Users can select a movie to view more details.
- Users can add movies to and delete movies from the Favorites.
- Users can use the search filter (language option and adult search option).
- Users can see the trailer of the movies that are on the Favorites.
- For UICollectionView cell image, I used w154 size, and for detailed view image, I used w500 size. When images are not possible to fetch, it will be empty.
- An additional class is used to set shared variables between UITabBar views.
- Once API call is done, fetched images are cached.
- Trailers are shown using WKWebView.
- Free tab bar images are from
- The movie data are from
- Wrapper for SQLite from
The following demo shows the basic functionality of this app.
The following demo shows how the detailed view of the movie is shown and how users can add movies to the Favorites.
The following demo shows how users can delete the movies from the Favorites and how users can watch a trailer in the app.
The following demo shows how the search result changes based on the search filter.