This is the repository for our work Learning the Global Descriptor for 3D Object Recognition based on Multiple Views Decomposition
The paper is accpeted by IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM 2020). If you find our work helpful, please consider to cite:
title={Learning the Global Descriptor for 3D Object Recognition based on Multiple Views Decomposition},
author={Huang, Jingjia and Yan, Wei and Li, Thomas H and Liu, Shan and Li, Ge},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Multimedia},
As mentioned in our paper, we develop our project based on Su et al.,’s [1] implementation of MVCNN (we use codes from here). We implement our work with Python3.5.2 and Pytorch1.0.1.post2.
We conduct the experiments on a single Tesla K80 GPU with CUDA9.0.
For the sake of GPU memory consumption, we employ a two stage training strategy.We utilize a pretrained VGG-M model for the feature extraction, and train our VMM model with the features as input. To run our codes, you should
For the detailed version, you can refer to the “requirement.txt”. (Note: not all the libs listed in requirement.txt are needed.)
- Download dataset Modelnet40 from here
- Render 2D images by blender (we use codes from here)
- Save the images, and arrange the dataset directory as follow:
/MVCNN dataset/class folders/train(or test)/rendered images
- Clone codes from xxx and put it under the root directory
- We utilize a VGG-M pretrained on imagenet and than finetune it on ModelNet40 as the feature extractor. We adopt Su’s MVCNN codes to finetune the model.Due to the limitation of the size to the uploaded file, we cannot provide a pre-trained VGGM model in the supplementary materials directly. Therefore, we introduce the way to trained VGG-M on ModelNet40 instead:
cd feature extractor
python train -name xxx -cnn_name vggm -train_path xxx -val_path xxx
For example:
python train -name MVCNN -cnn_name vggm -train_path /Modelnet40_dataset_rendered_images/*/train -val_path /Modelnet40_dataset_rendered_images/*/test
- Extract features with the trained vgg-m:
python -name xxx -cnn_name vggm
You should change the path of your pretrained model and the save direction in Then you can get the saved features.
- Clone this repo into the root directory and named as VMM
- Specify the path where the extracted features are saved, and run:
cd VMM
CUDA VISIEBLE DEVICES=0 python train -name NEM -train_pth xxx -val_path xxx
Then, you can check the training process with tensorboard. The log file as well as the trained model can be find at VMM/exp/NEM
specify the number of latent views, for example, set it to 3 by “-cluster n 3”; specify the number of iteration, for example set it to 10 by “-iter 10” ; for more settings, you can refer to VMM/train
1. Su, J.C., Gadelha, M., Wang, R., Maji, S.: A deeper look at 3d shape classifiers. In The European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) Workshops (September 2018)