#Prerequisite node >= 0.10.28 mongodb >= 2.6
#Start an application
- cd /path/to/folder
- npm install
- npm start or node app Note: make sure mongodb is started on the port specified in the config
#REST APIs GET /categories Gettting all the categories
POST /categories Creating new category Body
"name": "Category",
"description": "Category description"
Content-Type: "application/json"
GET /categories/{cat_id}/products Gettting all the products in the specified category
GET /products Gettting all the products
POST /products Creating new product Body
"name": "Product",
"description": "Product description",
"price": "42250",
"categories": [{cat_id}]
Content-Type: "application/json"
Note: postman collection is attached to test it out