Creates a GUID based on a float so you can sort it by the GUID and maintain its order
- packed: String representing the packed struct value of the GUID.
- base36: String representing the base36 encoded value of the GUID.
- float: Float representing the non-fractional portion of the GUID's initial timestamp.
Note: Timestamps are to the nearest second.
Installation is as easy as installing with easy_install or pip.
>>> from hiiguid import HiiGUID
>>> timestamp = 1315490012.0
>>> guid = HiiGUID(timestamp).packed
>>> unpacked_timestamp = HiiGUID(guid).timestamp
>>> print (guid, len(guid), timestamp, unpacked_timestamp)
('Nh\xc8\xdc\xac\xb6\x19g\x19\xe8O)\x9a\xd9\xe9thb\xcbu', 20, 1315490012.0, 1315490012.0)