NOTE 1: This repo is no longer maintained, as this packge has been superseded by Trvis Gerke's version, which can be found at:
You may also find useful the {consort} package on CRAN here:
If you are doing a manual one-off consort diagram, the guide at Rpubs may still be helpful:
The goal of {ggconsort} is to make it easy to create CONSORT diagrams for the transparent reporting of participant allocation in randomized, controlled clinical trials. This is done by creating a standardized status table, and using this table as the source for the creation of a custom ggplot that creates a standard CONSORT diagram.
You can install the current version of ggconsort from github with:
To Do List:
- Store example status_table files as proper *.rda files in a data folder, as per Chapter 14 of R packages here:
- make 'bad' status_table files (small, ~ 10 rows) that violate some of the rules - wrong names, too many/too few columns, blanks instead of NAs, etc.
- create a validate_status_table() function that checks a submitted status table to make sure it can be used, and returns helpful error messages on how to fix the table.
- update validate_status_table() to fix simple things, like automatically fix fuzzy matched column names, case for Yes/YES/yes, change No to NA, convert 1/0 to Yes/NA, etc.
- Ben Gerber will try a "diagrammer" branch
- fix drawing size for top_tbl
Someday (not any day soon), one might be able to install the released version of ggconsort from CRAN with:
A crude pkgdown website is now available at
This is a basic example which shows you how to solve a common problem:
## basic example code