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A screenshot of the Ladle addon bar, with a dialog box displaying text: 'ladle-inject-custom-addons' Add your own components in the Ladle addon panel! ✨🐙✨


Ladle doesn't officially support third party addons yet. Now we can pretend it does!

Check out working example:

Quick Start


pnpm add ladle-inject-custom-addons

This package is confirmed to work with @ladle/react up through version ^4.10.0.


Replace pnpm with yarn or npm to match what you use for your project. 😉

Basic Usage

Add your custom button components to your global provider. You'll use the provided AddonButton components to make buttons that match the existing Ladle addon bar buttons.

// .ladle/components.tsx

import type { GlobalProvider } from "@ladle/react"
import {
} from "ladle-inject-custom-addons"

export const Provider: GlobalProvider = ({ children }) => (
    <HelloAddon />
    <DialogExampleAddon />

const HelloAddon = () => (
    icon={<ExampleLadleIcon />}
    onClick={() => alert("hello!")}
    label="Say hello"
    tooltip="Shows an alert to say hello."

const DialogExampleAddon = () => (
    icon={<ExampleLadleIcon />}
    label="Show dialog"
    tooltip="Opens a dialog box."
    <p>Custom text, or more advanced components, will show up in a dialog.</p>



Need icons for your addon buttons? Check out react-feather for a great set of icons!

You can also add your own SVGs for your icons. Use currentColor for the stroke or fill on the icon to have it use the default hover and active colors. The icons are expected to be 24 by 24 pixels in size.

Click me to see a SVG component example
const MyIcon = () => (
    viewport="0 0 24 24"
    <ellipse cx="12" cy="12" rx="10" ry="10" />


Please be aware that you may encounter issues using certain libraries for your button icons. Material UI icons have been observed causing style issues with production bundles of component story libraries.

Button order

If you would like your custom addon to display in a different position within the addon list, you can pass the position property.

// .ladle/components.tsx

export const Provider = ({ children }) => (
      icon={<ExampleLadleIcon />}
      onClick={() => alert("hello!")}
      label="Say hello"
      tooltip="Shows an alert to say hello."
      // This button will be third in the addon panel list:

How this package works

AddonButton utilizes a React Portal to mount your buttons within the existing Ladle addon list.


This method of injecting components may not be very stable. Changes to the Ladle package could easily break this in future updates.

Questions or contributions

Feel free to create a new issue if you run into any problems using this package!

Contributions are also welcome. I recommend opening an issue before starting work on your addition, just mention that you're working on an addition or fix.

🫶🏻 Thanks for reading!