Latest release is 1.1.2, available at npm using npm install telldus
Note: Support for Node 0.10 and 0.11 is moved to a separate brach and package, available through npm install telldus-legacy
- Install telldus-core and development libraries, choose one of the following four procedures.
- Windows, Mac: Install Telldus Center -- go here and get the latest version of the appropriate DMG or EXE file and install. Note: You'll need to check "Developer files" during install. You'll also need a version of Visual C++ installed.
- Linux Ubuntu/Debian prebuilt:
- Follow general guide at
- Install
- Arch Linux prebuilt:
- Install
- Install
- Linux source install:
- Install node-gyp
npm install node-gyp
- Install this module using npm
cd yourprojectdirectory
npm install telldus
Note that the master branch isn't always top notch. If it doesn't compile, try an older revision or install the stable release
- Install telldus-core and development libraries, choose one of the following four procedures.
- Windows, Mac: Install Telldus Center -- go here and get the latest version of the appropriate DMG or EXE file and install. Note: You'll need to check "Developer files" during install. You'll also need a version of Visual C++ installed.
- Linux Ubuntu/Debian prebuilt:
- Follow general guide at
- Install
- Arch Linux prebuilt:
- Install
- Install
- Linux source install:
- Clone this project and enter the node-telldus directory
cd node-telldus
- Install node-gyp
npm install node-gyp
- Compile this module
npm install -g
- Link the module to your project
cd yourprojectdirectory
npm link telldus
Make sure telldusd is running on the same machine.
var telldus = require('telldus');
telldus.getDevices(function(err,devices) {
if ( err ) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
} else {
// A list of all configured devices is returned
If you ever get a returnValue from a method like turnOnSync that is not equal to 0 (TELLDUS_SUCCESS) you could check what type of error that is using telldus.getErrorString.
Asynchronous method([params...,] callback(err [, value])) |
turnOn(id, callback) |
turnOff(id, callback) |
dim(id, levl, callback) |
learn(id, callback) |
addDevice(callback) |
setName(id, name, callback) |
getName(id, callback) |
setProtocol(id, name, callback) ) |
getProtocol(id, callback) |
setModel(id, name, callback) ) |
getModel(id, callback) |
getDeviceType(id, callback) |
removeDevice(id, callback) |
removeEventListener(id, callback) |
getErrorString(id, callback) |
getNumberOfDevices(callback) |
stop(id, callback) |
bell(id, callback) |
getDeviceId(id, callback) |
getDeviceParameter(id, name, val, callback) |
setDeviceParameter(id, name, val, callback) |
execute(id, callback) |
up(id, callback) |
down(id, callback) |
getDevices(callback) |
getSensors(callback) |
addDeviceEventListener(callback) |
addSensorEventListener(callback) |
addRawDeviceEventListener(callback) |
Synchronous method(params) |
turnOnSync(id) |
turnOffSync(id) |
dimSync(id, levl) |
learnSync(id) |
addDeviceSync(callback) |
setNameSync(id, name) |
getNameSync(id) |
setProtocolSync(id, name) ) |
getProtocolSync(id) |
setModelSync(id, name) ) |
getModelSync(id) |
getDeviceTypeSync(id) |
removeDeviceSync(id) |
removeEventListenerSync(id) |
getErrorStringSync(id) |
getNumberOfDevicesSync(callback) |
stopSync(id) |
bellSync(id) |
getDeviceIdSync(id) |
getDeviceParameterSync(id, name, val) |
setDeviceParameterSync(id, name, val) |
executeSync(id) |
upSync(id) |
downSync(id) |
getDevicesSync() |
getSensorsSync() |
Returns an array of device dictionary objects. Only configured devices are returned.
Synchronous version: javascript var devices = telldus.getDevicesSync();
telldus.getDevices(function(err,devices) {
if ( err ) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
} else {
// The list of devices is returned
id: 1,
name: 'name from telldus.conf',
methods: [ 'TURNON', 'TURNOFF' ],
model: 'codeswitch',
type: 'DEVICE',
status: {status: 'OFF'}
Synchronous version: javascript var devices = telldus.getSensorsSync();
telldus.getSensors(function(err,sensors) {
if ( err ) {
console.log('Error: ' + err);
} else {
// The list of sensors and their values is returned
{ model: 'temperaturehumidity',
protocol: 'mandolyn',
id: 41,
data: [
{ type: 'TEMPERATURE',
value: '17.6',
timestamp: '2015-12-14 23:33:01' },
{ type: 'HUMIDITY',
value: '26',
timestamp: '2015-12-14 23:33:01' }
Turns a configured device ON.
Synchronous version: javascript var returnValue = turnOnSync(deviceId);
telldus.turnOn(deviceId,function(err) {
console.log('deviceId is now ON');
Similar to the command
tdtool --on deviceId
Turns a configured device OFF.
Synchronous version: var returnValue = turnOffSync(deviceId);
telldus.turnOff(deviceId,function(err) {
console.log('Device' + deviceId + ' is now OFF');
Similar to the command
tdtool --off deviceId
Dims a configured device to a certain level.
Synchronous version: javascript var returnValue = dimSync(deviceId,level);
telldus.dim(deviceId, level,function(err) {
console.log('Device ' + deviceId + ' is now dimmed to level ' + level);
Add a listener for raw device events. This is usefull for scanning for devices not yet configured
var listener = telldus.addRawDeviceEventListener(function(controllerId, data) {
console.log('Raw device event: ' + data);
: id of receiving controller, can identify the TellStick if several exists in the
: A semicolon separated string with colon separated key / value pairs.
Add a listener for device events
var listener = telldus.addDeviceEventListener(function(deviceId, status) {
console.log('Device ' + deviceId + ' is now ' +;
: is an object of the form:
{"status": "the status"}
Add a listener for sensor events
var listener = telldus.addSensorEventListener(function(deviceId,protocol,model,type,value,timestamp) {
console.log('New sensor event received: ',deviceId,protocol,model,type,value,timestamp);
Remove a previously added listener.
Synchronous version: javascript var returnValue = telldus.removeEventListenerSync(listener);
telldus.removeEventListener(listener,function(err) {});
Get the string representation of a return value
Synchronous version: javascript var errStr = telldus.getErrorStringSync(returnValue);
var returnValue = telldus.turnOnSync(deviceId);
if(returnValue > 0) {
telldus.getErrorString(returnValue, function (err, errStr) {
console.error('turnOn failed for device ' + deviceId + ', error: ' + errStr);
This project is licensed under the MIT license and is forked from telldus-core-js ( by GitHub user evilmachina.
The sourcecode and bug tracker is hosted on GitHub,