Before running Quinzical, ensure that the akl_nz_jdt_diphone festival voice has been installed
- Extract the file Quinzical to a suitable location
- From the terminal change the working directory to Quinzical
- Run the shell script "" from the terminal by using the command ./
Categories can be added to the game by editing either the allNewZealandQuestions or allInternationalQuestions files. Each category should have a minimum of 5 questions. The category should be formatted as follows:
Category name
Question, (Answer prefix) Answer
Question, (Answer prefix) Answer
Question, (Answer prefix) Answer
Where each question is on a new line and each category is separated by an empty line. An example is provided below:
These are the colours on the united kingdom's Flag, (What are) Red , White, Blue
This is the number of stars on the American flag, (What is) 50
This is the national bird of the United Kingdom, (What is) robin
This is the national bird of America, (What is) Bald eagle
This is the national bird of Russia, (What are) Eagle