This is a small model implementing HighLife in ROSS, a (massively) parallel discrete event simulator, based on the template model.
The following are the instructions to download and compile:
git clone --recursive
mkdir highlife-ross/build
cd highlife-ross/build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$(pwd -P)/"
make install
After compiling, you will find the executable under the folder: build/bin
An example of running in one core or two:
cd build
bin/highlife --help
mpirun -np 2 bin/highlife --sync=2 --batch=1 --pattern=5 --end=41
Inside the directory output/
there will be two files containing the initial highlife
world and the final state after iteration 40.
Given the nature of interlocked execution for highlife, the best option is --sync=2
, i.e, conservative execution trumps over optimistic. This is because events can
be processed much faster than they are transmited between LPs (so, rollback eats a
considerable amount of time at execution time in the optimistic mode).
To generate the documentation, install doxygen and dot (included in graphviz), and then run:
doxygen docs/Doxyfile
The documentation will be stored in docs/html
This HighLife model is meant mostly as an educational tool for the dear reader/developer starting on ROSS development.
The following are a series of proposed exercises various characteristics of ROSS yet to be implemented in the model:
- Play around with the code to familiarize yourself. Modify
(don't go to numbers below 6), run the code, and check the stats for each case as well as the files underoutput/
- Create a new option in the program that allows the user to choose the number of LPs per SE. Currently, the number encoded is 1.
- Each LP holds a portion of the world of size
and has only two neighbors, one above and one below. Modify this to allow for LPs to have neighbors at the sides as well. Now, there would be two variables, not only one per PE to idicate how many LPs would be per PE. (This is long.) - Modify
, run the code and check the stats again. What is the best value forW_WIDTH
? - Create a new LP type in charge of initializing the world, removing such responsibility from the regular LPs. This requires to add new message type and a custom LP mapping. The LP mapping is in charge of determining which LP is in charge of initializing and which are hold grid portions.