The package collects the required structs for facebook messenger platform with the supported conversation elements.
$ go get -u
Defines attachment types. They can be type: template, image, video, audio, file, loacation.
Describes the possible elements of a structure. Title, item url, image url, subtitle, buttons can act as elements.
Identifies generic template. And checking possible errors during the validation. It is possible to add elements to the template.
Defines lists with its elements. The facebook list properties.
Implements facebooks receipt template.
Handles errors. Like character limit, button limit, bubble limit.
Sender action sending. Mark seen, typing on, typing off.
Defines error structure.
Implements facebook's webhook entry.
Creates http requests.
Defines content type. Can be test, location. Notification type can be regular, silent push, no push, response, update, message tag, non promotional subscrition.
Defines message structure, handler types and debug types.
Defines profile struct.
Setting struct defined.
###Thread Control:
Handles threads. Requests, handlers.