The Stretch URDF package provides URDF and Mesh files for use by Stretch Body. This URDF data is uncalibrated and is managed completely seperately from the Stretch ROS(2) URDF data.
This package can be installed by:
python3 -m pip install -U hello-robot-stretch-urdf
The URDF and mesh data is installed as a Python package. It's location can be found as:
import importlib.resources as importlib_resources
pkg = str(importlib_resources.files("stretch_urdf"))
The URDF naming convention is stretch_description_<model_name>_<tool_name>.urdf
For example:
model_name = robot.params['model_name']
tool_name = robot.params['tool']
urdf_name = pkg + '/%s/stretch_description_%s_%s.urdf' % (model_name, model_name, tool_name)
For further example usesage, see the included