A simple api server as a learning purpose
go run . start
go run . start --port=<portNumber>
method | url | payload | actions |
GET | https://localhost:8080/users |
returns the list of all users | |
GET | https://localhost:8080/users/{id} |
returns a specific users | |
POST | https://localhost:8080/users |
payload | add a new user to the list |
PUT | http://localhost:8080/users/{id} |
payload | update specific existing user |
DELETE | http://localhost:8080/users/{id} |
delete specific user |
- apiServer
- api
- api.go
performs related task about the api processing
- api.go
- auth
- auth.go
works a middleware before executing any of the api functions
- auth.go
- cmd
- startCmd
provide some features of cli
- startCmd
- api
to perform a http request we need to write a handler functions which accepts
http response and request
. we decode the request and write to response as a expected functionality.
then we wrap the handler function to the authentication middleware to perform the security check.which follows tow simple technique Basic Auth and Jwt auth.
To execute every http request has to go through the security check before it can hit the handler function.
Which can simply implemented by adding the authorization in the request header
Get all users
curl -X GET --user heheh13:12345 http://localhost:8080/api/users
Delete Specific user
curl -X DELETE --user heheh13:12345 http://localhost:8080/api/users/1
Add a user
curl -X POST -d '{"id":"1","name":"Mehedi Hasan","skills":{"language":["c++,go"],"tools":["git","linux"],"endorsed":0}}' --user heheh13:12345 http://localhost:8080/api/users
Update a user
curl -X PUT -d '{"name":"heheh"}' --user heheh13:12345 http://localhost:8080/api/users/1
docker build -t <tagName:version> .
to build and images
docker run -p <port:port> <imageName> [cmd]
to run the images
docker start <containerName>
to start a container
docker rmi images (docker images -a- q
tp delete all container
docker container prune
to delete all containers
docker login --username=<docker_hub_username>
docker tag <id_of_the_created_image> <docker_hub_username>/<name_of_the_image>:<tag>
docker push <docker_hub_username>/<name_of_the_image>:<tag>