- This is C/C++ written by myself when I was in school. There will be lots of mistakes, horrible code structure, and plenty of memory leaks. I wouldnt be surprised if the first thing you see is a seg fault when you run it. In fact, all I did was move this entire project from my old laptop into this repo so I dont really know what condition the project is in. This code is here to offer general knowledge of what a compiler consists of and how one might build one. Following the HW specs, you could build one yourself.
- CS455 compiler written in C and C++. Each hw folder contains a hw spec that defines the requirements for that period.
- Each hw is a progression on the previous. ie hw6 should do everything hw5 does plus more. The hw folders only contain the compiled object code.
- I need to clean this up, but hw7 should have a functional compiler that has already been compiled and can be used to compile the test code in testDataA7.tar.
- futuretips.txt was my final notes after passing this course. It contains nexts steps/goals for this compiler and some known issues.