This plugin provides a directive to visualize the stages in a Jenkins pipeline.
To add the dependency to your project using bower, run the command
$ bower install --save hawtio-pipeline-view
Add the directive to your markup somewhere in your view:
<div hawtio-pipeline-view></div>
In your controller you'll need a build
attribute that contains a stages
attribute, see (this file)[insert link here] for an example.
To install dependencies, run the commands
$ npm install
$ bower install
To build, run the command
$ gulp build
$ gulp
and point your browser to http://localhost:2772/ to see a running example.
When developing this plugin in a dependent console you can change the output directory where the compiled .js and .css go. Just use the 'out' flag to set a different output directory, for example:
$ gulp watch --out=../fabric8-console/libs/hawtio-pipeline-view/dist/
$ gulp watch --out=../origin/assets/bower_components/hawtio-pipeline-view/dist/
Whenever the build completes the compiled .js file will be put into the target directory. Don't forget to first do a gulp build
without this flag before committing changes!