Simple faucet implementation running on top of haskoin-wallet.
This package provides a simple faucet implementation written with Yesod on top of the haskoin-wallet package.
Get dependencies:
sudo apt-get install -y git libleveldb-dev libzmq3-dev \
pkg-config zlib1g-dev libpcre3-dev libncurses5-dev
Clone repository and build:
git clone --recursive
cd haskoin-faucet
stack build
These examples are for testnet in a Linux system. Run from directory where repository was cloned.
Start an instance of Haskoin Wallet in the background:
stack exec hw -- -w .hw -t -d start
Create a faucet
stack exec hw -- -w .hw -t newacc faucet
Start the faucet:
HW_SOCKET="ipc://.hw/testnet5/hw.sock" \
stack exec haskoin-faucet -- config/settings.yml
The faucet will be accessible at this URL.
Feel free to send us your pull request.