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Implement precedence-handling bijective read/show
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refactors and reimplements Network.Socket.ReadShow to allow
for precedence-sensitive Read/Show instances built on an underlying
bijective framework. Behavior conforms to derived read/show instances
by default but short-circuits to fixed strings when input matches
element of a list of paired elements defining a partial bijection.

adds several flexible helper-functions to Network.Socket.ReadShow
to allow for minimal-boilerplate implementations of bijective
read/show for arbitrary types in future.

Adds more descriptive documentation for non-obvious properties
of Network.Socket.ReadShow types and functions

reimplements instance declarations of read/show for types already
using bijective read/show definitions

Adds cases to Network.SocketSpec test suite to ensure that ReadShow-based Show instances produce expected output for each pattern-bijection type

Adds quickcheck-dependent (updated cabal file) tests to ensure
roundtrip equality for `` for all types using ReadShow-based
instances over arbitrary values, specifically biased towards pattern
synonym values
  • Loading branch information
archaephyrryx committed Jul 16, 2020
1 parent d4a4bb1 commit 710b6ca
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Showing 7 changed files with 324 additions and 151 deletions.
26 changes: 12 additions & 14 deletions Network/Socket/Options.hsc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -390,8 +390,8 @@ getSockOpt s (SockOpt level opt) = do
peek ptr

socketOptionPairs :: [Pair SocketOption String]
socketOptionPairs =
socketOptionBijection :: Bijection SocketOption String
socketOptionBijection =
[ (UnsupportedSocketOption, "UnsupportedSocketOption")
, (Debug, "Debug")
, (ReuseAddr, "ReuseAddr")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -426,21 +426,19 @@ socketOptionPairs =
, (RecvIPv6PktInfo, "RecvIPv6PktInfo")

socketOptionBijection :: Bijection SocketOption String
socketOptionBijection = Bijection{..}
cso = "CustomSockOpt"
unCSO = \(CustomSockOpt nm) -> nm
defFwd = defShow cso unCSO _show
defBwd = defRead cso CustomSockOpt _parse
pairs = socketOptionPairs

instance Show SocketOption where
show = forward socketOptionBijection
showsPrec = bijectiveShow socketOptionBijection def
defname = "SockOpt"
unwrap = \(CustomSockOpt nm) -> nm
def = defShow defname unwrap showIntInt

instance Read SocketOption where
readPrec = tokenize $ backward socketOptionBijection

instance Read SocketOption where
readPrec = bijectiveRead socketOptionBijection def
defname = "SockOpt"
def = defRead defname CustomSockOpt readIntInt

foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "getsockopt"
c_getsockopt :: CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> Ptr a -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt
Expand Down
24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions Network/Socket/Posix/Cmsg.hsc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -229,8 +229,8 @@ instance Storable IPv6PktInfo where
instance ControlMessage Fd where
controlMessageId = CmsgIdFd

cmsgIdPairs :: [Pair CmsgId String]
cmsgIdPairs =
cmsgIdBijection :: Bijection CmsgId String
cmsgIdBijection =
[ (UnsupportedCmsgId, "UnsupportedCmsgId")
, (CmsgIdIPv4TTL, "CmsgIdIPv4TTL")
, (CmsgIdIPv6HopLimit, "CmsgIdIPv6HopLimit")
Expand All @@ -241,17 +241,17 @@ cmsgIdPairs =
, (CmsgIdFd, "CmsgIdFd")

cmsgIdBijection :: Bijection CmsgId String
cmsgIdBijection = Bijection{..}
instance Show CmsgId where
showsPrec = bijectiveShow cmsgIdBijection def
defname = "CmsgId"
unId = \(CmsgId l t) -> (l,t)
defFwd = defShow defname unId _show
defBwd = defRead defname (uncurry CmsgId) _parse
pairs = cmsgIdPairs

instance Show CmsgId where
show = forward cmsgIdBijection
def = defShow defname unId showIntInt

instance Read CmsgId where
readPrec = tokenize $ backward cmsgIdBijection
readPrec = bijectiveRead cmsgIdBijection def
defname = "CmsgId"
def = defRead defname (uncurry CmsgId) readIntInt

181 changes: 111 additions & 70 deletions Network/Socket/ReadShow.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

module Network.Socket.ReadShow where

import Text.Read ((<++))
import qualified Text.Read as P
import qualified Text.Read.Lex as P
import Control.Monad (mzero)

-- type alias for individual correspondences of a (possibly partial) bijection
type Pair a b = (a, b)
Expand All @@ -19,77 +25,112 @@ eqFst x = \(x',_) -> x' == x
eqSnd :: Eq b => b -> (a, b) -> Bool
eqSnd y = \(_,y') -> y' == y

-- | Return RHS element that is paired with provided LHS,
-- or apply a default fallback function if the list is partial
lookForward :: Eq a => (a -> b) -> [Pair a b] -> a -> b
lookForward defFwd ps x
= case filter (eqFst x) ps of
(_,y):_ -> y
[] -> defFwd x

-- | Return LHS element that is paired with provided RHS,
-- or apply a default fallback function if the list is partial
lookBackward :: Eq b => (b -> a) -> [Pair a b] -> b -> a
lookBackward defBwd ps y
= case filter (eqSnd y) ps of
(x,_):_ -> x
[] -> defBwd y

data Bijection a b
= Bijection
{ defFwd :: a -> b
, defBwd :: b -> a
, pairs :: [Pair a b]

-- | apply a bijection over an LHS-value
forward :: (Eq a) => Bijection a b -> a -> b
forward Bijection{..} = lookForward defFwd pairs

-- | apply a bijection over an RHS-value
backward :: (Eq b) => Bijection a b -> b -> a
backward Bijection{..} = lookBackward defBwd pairs

-- | show function for Int-like types that encodes negative numbers
-- with leading '_' instead of '-'
_showInt :: (Show a, Num a, Ord a) => a -> String
_showInt n | n < 0 = let ('-':s) = show n in '_':s
| otherwise = show n

-- | parse function for Int-like types that interprets leading '_'
-- as if it were '-' instead
_readInt :: (Read a) => String -> a
_readInt ('_':s) = read $ '-':s
_readInt s = read s

-- | parse a quote-separated pair into a tuple of Int-like values
-- should not be used if either type might have
-- literal quote-characters in the Read pre-image
_parse :: (Read a, Read b) => String -> (a, b)
_parse xy =
let (xs, '\'':ys) = break (=='\'') xy
in (_readInt xs, _readInt ys)
{-# INLINE _parse #-}

-- | inverse function to _parse
-- show a tuple of Int-like values as quote-separated strings
_show :: (Show a, Num a, Ord a, Show b, Num b, Ord b) => (a, b) -> String
_show (x, y) = _showInt x ++ "'" ++ _showInt y
{-# INLINE _show #-}

defShow :: Eq a => String -> (a -> b) -> (b -> String) -> (a -> String)
defShow name unwrap sho = \x -> name ++ (sho . unwrap $ x)

-- | Unified automorphic involution over @Either a b@ that converts between
-- LHS and RHS elements of a list of @Pair a b@ mappings and is the identity
-- function if no matching pair is found
-- If list contains duplicate matches, short-circuits to the first matching @Pair@
lookBetween :: (Eq a, Eq b) => [Pair a b] -> Either a b -> Either a b
lookBetween ps = \case
Left x | (_,y):_ <- filter (eqFst x) ps -> Right y
Right y | (x,_):_ <- filter (eqSnd y) ps -> Left x
z -> z

-- Type alias for partial bijections between two types, consisting of a list
-- of individual correspondences that are checked in order and short-circuit
-- on first match
-- Depending on how this is used, may not actually be a true bijection over
-- the partial types, as no overlap-checking is currently implemented. If
-- overlaps are unavoidable, the canonical short-circuit pair should appear
-- first to avoid round-trip inconsistencies.
type Bijection a b = [Pair a b]

-- | Helper function for prefixing an optional constructor name before arbitrary values,
-- which only enforces high precedence on subsequent output if the constructor name is not
-- blank and space-separates for non-blank constructor names
namePrefix :: Int -> String -> (Int -> b -> ShowS) -> b -> ShowS
namePrefix i name f x
| null name = f i x
| otherwise = showParen (i > app_prec) $ showString name . showChar ' ' . f (app_prec+1) x
{-# INLINE namePrefix #-}

-- | Helper function for defining bijective Show instances that represents
-- a common use-case where a constructor (or constructor-like pattern) name
-- (optionally) precedes an internal value with a separate show function
defShow :: Eq a => String -> (a -> b) -> (Int -> b -> ShowS) -> (Int -> a -> ShowS)
defShow name unwrap shoPrec = \i x -> namePrefix i name shoPrec (unwrap x)
{-# INLINE defShow #-}

defRead :: Read a => String -> (b -> a) -> (String -> b) -> (String -> a)
defRead name wrap red = \s ->
case splitAt (length name) s of
(x, sn) | x == name -> wrap $ red sn
_ -> error $ "defRead: unable to parse " ++ show s
-- Helper function for stripping an optional constructor-name prefix before parsing
-- an arbitrary value, which only consumes an extra token and increases precedence
-- if the provided name prefix is non-blank
expectPrefix :: String -> P.ReadPrec a -> P.ReadPrec a
expectPrefix name pars
| null name = pars
| otherwise = do
P.lift $ P.expect $ P.Ident name
P.step pars
{-# INLINE expectPrefix #-}

-- | Helper function for defining bijective Read instances that represent a
-- common use case where a constructor (or constructor-like pattern) name
-- (optionally) precedes an internal value with a separate parse function
defRead :: Eq a => String -> (b -> a) -> P.ReadPrec b -> P.ReadPrec a
defRead name wrap redPrec = expectPrefix name $ wrap <$> redPrec
{-# INLINE defRead #-}

-- | Apply a precedence-invariant one-token parse function within ReadPrec monad
tokenize :: (String -> a) -> P.ReadPrec a
tokenize f = P.lexP >>= \(P.Ident x) -> return $ f x
{-# INLINE tokenize #-}
-- | Alias for showsPrec that pairs well with `_readInt`
_showInt :: (Show a) => Int -> a -> ShowS
_showInt = showsPrec
{-# INLINE _showInt #-}

-- | More descriptive alias for `safeInt`
_readInt :: (Bounded a, Integral a) => P.ReadPrec a
_readInt = safeInt
{-# INLINE _readInt #-}

-- | show two elements of a tuple separated by a space character
-- inverse function to readIntInt when used on integer-like values
showIntInt :: (Show a, Show b) => Int -> (a, b) -> ShowS
showIntInt i (x, y) = _showInt i x . showChar ' ' . _showInt i y
{-# INLINE showIntInt #-}

-- | consume and return two integer-like values from two consecutive lexical tokens
readIntInt :: (Bounded a, Integral a, Bounded b, Integral b) => P.ReadPrec (a, b)
readIntInt = do
x <- _readInt
y <- _readInt
return (x, y)
{-# INLINE readIntInt #-}

bijectiveShow :: (Eq a) => Bijection a String -> (Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (Int -> a -> ShowS)
bijectiveShow bi def = \i x ->
case lookBetween bi (Left x) of
Right y -> showString y
_ -> def i x

bijectiveRead :: (Eq a) => Bijection a String -> P.ReadPrec a -> P.ReadPrec a
bijectiveRead bi def = P.parens $ bijective <++ def
bijective = do
(P.Ident y) <- P.lexP
case lookBetween bi (Right y) of
Left x -> return x
_ -> mzero

app_prec :: Int
app_prec = 10
{-# INLINE app_prec #-}

-- Parse integral values with type-specific overflow and underflow bounds-checks
safeInt :: forall a. (Bounded a, Integral a) => P.ReadPrec a
safeInt = do
i <- signed
if (i >= fromIntegral (minBound :: a) && i <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: a))
then return $ fromIntegral i
else mzero
signed :: P.ReadPrec Integer
signed = P.readPrec
62 changes: 20 additions & 42 deletions Network/Socket/Types.hsc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -91,9 +91,7 @@ import GHC.IORef (IORef (..))
import GHC.STRef (STRef (..))
import GHC.IO (IO (..))

import Text.Read ((<++))
import qualified Text.Read as P
import qualified Text.Read.Lex as P

import Foreign.Marshal.Array
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1316,8 +1314,8 @@ instance Storable In6Addr where
-- Read and Show instance for pattern-based integral newtypes

socktypePairs :: [Pair SocketType String]
socktypePairs =
socktypeBijection :: Bijection SocketType String
socktypeBijection =
[ (UnsupportedSocketType, "UnsupportedSocketType")
, (Stream, "Stream")
, (Datagram, "Datagram")
Expand All @@ -1327,22 +1325,20 @@ socktypePairs =
, (NoSocketType, "NoSocketType")

socktypeBijection :: Bijection SocketType String
socktypeBijection = Bijection{..}
gst = "GeneralSocketType"
defFwd = defShow gst packSocketType _showInt
defBwd = defRead gst unpackSocketType _readInt
pairs = socktypePairs

instance Show SocketType where
show = forward socktypeBijection
showsPrec = bijectiveShow socktypeBijection def
gst = "GeneralSocketType"
def = defShow gst packSocketType _showInt

instance Read SocketType where
readPrec = tokenize $ backward socktypeBijection
readPrec = bijectiveRead socktypeBijection def
gst = "GeneralSocketType"
def = defRead gst unpackSocketType _readInt

familyPairs :: [Pair Family String]
familyPairs =
familyBijection :: Bijection Family String
familyBijection =
[ (UnsupportedFamily, "UnsupportedFamily")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1412,19 +1408,17 @@ familyPairs =
, (AF_CAN, "AF_CAN")

familyBijection :: Bijection Family String
familyBijection = Bijection{..}
gf = "GeneralFamily"
defFwd = defShow gf packFamily _showInt
defBwd = defRead gf unpackFamily _readInt
pairs = familyPairs

instance Show Family where
show = forward familyBijection
showsPrec = bijectiveShow familyBijection def
gf = "GeneralFamily"
def = defShow gf packFamily _showInt

instance Read Family where
readPrec = tokenize $ backward familyBijection
readPrec = bijectiveRead familyBijection def
gf = "GeneralFamily"
def = defRead gf unpackFamily _readInt

-- Print "n" instead of "PortNum n".
instance Show PortNumber where
Expand All @@ -1434,22 +1428,6 @@ instance Show PortNumber where
instance Read PortNumber where
readPrec = safeInt

app_prec :: Int
app_prec = 10

-- Accept negative values only in parens and check for overflow.
safeInt :: forall a. (Bounded a, Integral a) => P.ReadPrec a
safeInt = do
i <- P.parens unsigned <++ P.parens (P.prec app_prec negative)
if (i >= fromIntegral (minBound :: a) && i <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: a))
then return $ fromIntegral i
else mzero
unsigned :: P.ReadPrec Integer
unsigned = P.lift P.readDecP
negative :: P.ReadPrec Integer
negative = P.readPrec

-- Helper functions

Expand Down

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