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Improve algorithm for choosing flags with './Setup configure'
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Cabal previously tried all flag combinations, which was too slow.  The new
algorithm assigns one flag at a time, and backtracks when a flag introduces a
dependency that is unavailable.  This change also fixes a space leak.
  • Loading branch information
grayjay committed Dec 6, 2015
1 parent 74e9383 commit b0b0386
Showing 1 changed file with 35 additions and 27 deletions.
62 changes: 35 additions & 27 deletions Cabal/Distribution/PackageDescription/Configuration.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ instance Monoid d => Mon.Monoid (DepTestRslt d) where
mappend (MissingDeps d) (MissingDeps d') = MissingDeps (d `mappend` d')

data BT a = BTN a | BTB (BT a) (BT a) -- very simple binary tree
data Tree a = Tree a [Tree a]

-- | Try to find a flag assignment that satisfies the constraints of all trees.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -224,10 +224,7 @@ resolveWithFlags ::
-> Either [Dependency] (TargetSet PDTagged, FlagAssignment)
-- ^ Either the missing dependencies (error case), or a pair of
-- (set of build targets with dependencies, chosen flag assignments)
resolveWithFlags dom os arch impl constrs trees checkDeps =
case try dom [] of
Right r -> Right r
Left dbt -> Left $ findShortest dbt
resolveWithFlags dom os arch impl constrs trees checkDeps = explore $ build dom []
extraConstrs = toDepMap constrs

Expand All @@ -241,44 +238,53 @@ resolveWithFlags dom os arch impl constrs trees checkDeps =
-- either succeeds or returns a binary tree with the missing dependencies
-- encountered in each run. Since the tree is constructed lazily, we
-- avoid some computation overhead in the successful case.
try [] flags =
explore :: Tree FlagAssignment
-> Either [Dependency] (TargetSet PDTagged, FlagAssignment)
explore (Tree flags ts) =
let targetSet = TargetSet $ flip map simplifiedTrees $
-- apply additional constraints to all dependencies
first (`constrainBy` extraConstrs) .
simplifyCondTree (env flags)
deps = overallDependencies targetSet
in case checkDeps (fromDepMap deps) of
DepOk -> Right (targetSet, flags)
MissingDeps mds -> Left (BTN mds)

try ((n, vals):rest) flags =
tryAll $ map (\v -> try rest ((n, v):flags)) vals

DepOk | null ts -> Right (targetSet, flags)
| otherwise -> tryAll $ map explore ts
MissingDeps mds -> Left mds

build :: [(FlagName, [Bool])]
-> FlagAssignment
-> Tree FlagAssignment
build [] flags = Tree flags []
build ((n, vals):rest) flags =
Tree flags $ map (\v -> build rest ((n, v):flags)) vals

tryAll :: [Either [a] b] -> Either [a] b
tryAll = foldr mp mz

-- special version of `mplus' for our local purposes
mp (Left xs) (Left ys) = (Left (BTB xs ys))
mp (Left _) m@(Right _) = m
mp :: Either [a] b -> Either [a] b -> Either [a] b
mp m@(Right _) _ = m
mp _ m@(Right _) = m
mp (Left xs) (Left ys) = let shortest = findShortest xs ys
in shortest `seq` Left shortest

-- `mzero'
mz = Left (BTN [])
mz :: Either [a] b
mz = Left []

env :: FlagAssignment -> FlagName -> Either FlagName Bool
env flags flag = (maybe (Left flag) Right . lookup flag) flags

-- for the error case we inspect our lazy tree of missing dependencies and
-- pick the shortest list of missing dependencies
findShortest (BTN x) = x
findShortest (BTB lt rt) =
let l = findShortest lt
r = findShortest rt
in case (l,r) of
([], xs) -> xs -- [] is too short
(xs, []) -> xs
([x], _) -> [x] -- single elem is optimum
(_, [x]) -> [x]
(xs, ys) -> if lazyLengthCmp xs ys
then xs else ys
findShortest l r =
case (l,r) of
([], xs) -> xs -- [] is too short
(xs, []) -> xs
([x], _) -> [x] -- single elem is optimum
(_, [x]) -> [x]
(xs, ys) -> if lazyLengthCmp xs ys
then xs else ys
-- lazy variant of @\xs ys -> length xs <= length ys@
lazyLengthCmp [] _ = True
lazyLengthCmp _ [] = False
Expand All @@ -301,6 +307,8 @@ toDepMap ds =
fromDepMap :: DependencyMap -> [Dependency]
fromDepMap m = [ Dependency p vr | (p,vr) <- toList (unDependencyMap m) ]

-- | Flattens a CondTree using a partial flag assignment. When a condition
-- cannot be evaluated, both branches are ignored.
simplifyCondTree :: (Monoid a, Monoid d) =>
(v -> Either v Bool)
-> CondTree v d a
Expand All @@ -312,7 +320,7 @@ simplifyCondTree env (CondNode a d ifs) =
case simplifyCondition cnd env of
(Lit True, _) -> Just $ simplifyCondTree env t
(Lit False, _) -> fmap (simplifyCondTree env) me
_ -> error $ "Environment not defined for all free vars"
_ -> Nothing

-- | Flatten a CondTree. This will resolve the CondTree by taking all
-- possible paths into account. Note that since branches represent exclusive
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