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Merge pull request #1075 from 23Skidoo/cabal-get
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Replace the 'unpack' command with a more general 'get'.
  • Loading branch information
23Skidoo committed Jan 11, 2013
2 parents f02a865 + 7888be1 commit 7d73e69
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Showing 5 changed files with 417 additions and 176 deletions.
347 changes: 347 additions & 0 deletions cabal-install/Distribution/Client/Get.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
-- |
-- Module : Distribution.Client.Get
-- Copyright : (c) Andrea Vezzosi 2008
-- Duncan Coutts 2011
-- John Millikin 2012
-- License : BSD-like
-- Maintainer : [email protected]
-- Stability : provisional
-- Portability : portable
-- The 'cabal get' command.

module Distribution.Client.Get (
) where

import Distribution.Package
( PackageId, packageId, packageName )
import Distribution.Simple.Setup
( Flag(..), fromFlag, fromFlagOrDefault )
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
( notice, die, info, writeFileAtomic )
import Distribution.Verbosity
( Verbosity )
import Distribution.Text(display)
import qualified Distribution.PackageDescription as PD

import Distribution.Client.Setup
( GlobalFlags(..), GetFlags(..) )
import Distribution.Client.Types
import Distribution.Client.Targets
import Distribution.Client.Dependency
import Distribution.Client.FetchUtils
import qualified Distribution.Client.Tar as Tar (extractTarGzFile)
import Distribution.Client.IndexUtils as IndexUtils
( getSourcePackages )

import Control.Exception
( finally )
import Control.Monad
( filterM, forM_, unless, when )
import Data.List
( sortBy )
import qualified Data.Map
import Data.Maybe
( listToMaybe, mapMaybe )
import Data.Monoid
( mempty )
import Data.Ord
( comparing )
import System.Cmd
( rawSystem )
import System.Directory
( createDirectoryIfMissing, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist
, getCurrentDirectory, setCurrentDirectory
import System.Exit
( ExitCode(..) )
import System.FilePath
( (</>), (<.>), addTrailingPathSeparator )
import System.Process
( readProcessWithExitCode )

-- | Entry point for the 'cabal get' command.
get :: Verbosity
-> [Repo]
-> GlobalFlags
-> GetFlags
-> [UserTarget]
-> IO ()
get verbosity _ _ _ [] =
notice verbosity "No packages requested. Nothing to do."

get verbosity repos globalFlags getFlags userTargets = do
let useFork = case (getSourceRepository getFlags) of
NoFlag -> False
_ -> True

unless useFork $
mapM_ checkTarget userTargets

sourcePkgDb <- getSourcePackages verbosity repos

pkgSpecifiers <- resolveUserTargets verbosity
(fromFlag $ globalWorldFile globalFlags)
(packageIndex sourcePkgDb)

pkgs <- either (die . unlines . map show) return $
(resolverParams sourcePkgDb pkgSpecifiers)

unless (null prefix) $
createDirectoryIfMissing True prefix

if useFork
then fork pkgs
else unpack pkgs

resolverParams sourcePkgDb pkgSpecifiers =
--TODO: add commandline constraint and preference args for unpack
standardInstallPolicy mempty sourcePkgDb pkgSpecifiers

prefix = fromFlagOrDefault "" (getDestDir getFlags)

fork :: [SourcePackage] -> IO ()
fork pkgs = do
let kind = fromFlag . getSourceRepository $ getFlags
branchers <- findUsableBranchers
mapM_ (forkPackage verbosity branchers prefix kind) pkgs

unpack :: [SourcePackage] -> IO ()
unpack pkgs = do
forM_ pkgs $ \pkg -> do
location <- fetchPackage verbosity (packageSource pkg)
let pkgid = packageId pkg
descOverride | usePristine = Nothing
| otherwise = packageDescrOverride pkg
case location of
LocalTarballPackage tarballPath ->
unpackPackage verbosity prefix pkgid descOverride tarballPath

RemoteTarballPackage _tarballURL tarballPath ->
unpackPackage verbosity prefix pkgid descOverride tarballPath

RepoTarballPackage _repo _pkgid tarballPath ->
unpackPackage verbosity prefix pkgid descOverride tarballPath

LocalUnpackedPackage _ ->
error "Distribution.Client.Get.unpack: the impossible happened."
usePristine = fromFlagOrDefault False (getPristine getFlags)

checkTarget :: UserTarget -> IO ()
checkTarget target = case target of
UserTargetLocalDir dir -> die (notTarball dir)
UserTargetLocalCabalFile file -> die (notTarball file)
_ -> return ()
notTarball t =
"The 'get' command is for tarball packages. "
++ "The target '" ++ t ++ "' is not a tarball."

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Unpacking the source tarball
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

unpackPackage :: Verbosity -> FilePath -> PackageId
-> PackageDescriptionOverride
-> FilePath -> IO ()
unpackPackage verbosity prefix pkgid descOverride pkgPath = do
let pkgdirname = display pkgid
pkgdir = prefix </> pkgdirname
pkgdir' = addTrailingPathSeparator pkgdir
existsDir <- doesDirectoryExist pkgdir
when existsDir $ die $
"The directory \"" ++ pkgdir' ++ "\" already exists, not unpacking."
existsFile <- doesFileExist pkgdir
when existsFile $ die $
"A file \"" ++ pkgdir ++ "\" is in the way, not unpacking."
notice verbosity $ "Unpacking to " ++ pkgdir'
Tar.extractTarGzFile prefix pkgdirname pkgPath

case descOverride of
Nothing -> return ()
Just pkgtxt -> do
let descFilePath = pkgdir </> display (packageName pkgid) <.> "cabal"
info verbosity $
"Updating " ++ descFilePath
++ " with the latest revision from the index."
writeFileAtomic descFilePath pkgtxt

-- ------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Forking the source repository
-- ------------------------------------------------------------

data BranchCmd = BranchCmd (Verbosity -> FilePath -> IO ExitCode)

data Brancher = Brancher
{ brancherBinary :: String
, brancherBuildCmd :: PD.SourceRepo -> Maybe BranchCmd

-- | The set of all supported branch drivers.
allBranchers :: [(PD.RepoType, Brancher)]
allBranchers =
[ (PD.Bazaar, branchBzr)
, (PD.Darcs, branchDarcs)
, (PD.Git, branchGit)
, (PD.Mercurial, branchHg)
, (PD.SVN, branchSvn)

-- | Find which usable branch drivers (selected from 'allBranchers') are
-- available and usable on the local machine.
-- Each driver's main command is run with @--help@, and if the child process
-- exits successfully, that brancher is considered usable.
findUsableBranchers :: IO (Data.Map.Map PD.RepoType Brancher)
findUsableBranchers = do
let usable (_, brancher) = do
let cmd = brancherBinary brancher
(exitCode, _, _) <- readProcessWithExitCode cmd ["--help"] ""
return (exitCode == ExitSuccess)
pairs <- filterM usable allBranchers
return (Data.Map.fromList pairs)

-- | Fork a single package from a remote source repository to the local
-- filesystem.
forkPackage :: Verbosity
-> Data.Map.Map PD.RepoType Brancher
-- ^ Branchers supported by the local machine.
-> FilePath
-- ^ The directory in which new branches or repositories will
-- be created.
-> (Maybe PD.RepoKind)
-- ^ Which repo to choose.
-> SourcePackage
-- ^ The package to fork.
-> IO ()
forkPackage verbosity branchers prefix kind src = do
let desc = PD.packageDescription (packageDescription src)
let pkgname = display (packageId src)
let destdir = prefix </> pkgname

destDirExists <- doesDirectoryExist destdir
when destDirExists $ do
die ("The directory " ++ show destdir ++ " already exists, not forking.")

destFileExists <- doesFileExist destdir
when destFileExists $ do
die ("A file " ++ show destdir ++ " is in the way, not forking.")

let repos = PD.sourceRepos desc
case findBranchCmd branchers repos kind of
Just (BranchCmd io) -> do
exitCode <- io verbosity destdir
case exitCode of
ExitSuccess -> return ()
ExitFailure _ -> die ("Couldn't fork package " ++ pkgname)
Nothing -> case repos of
[] -> die ("Package " ++ pkgname ++ " does not have any source repositories.")
_ -> die ("Package " ++ pkgname ++ " does not have any usable source repositories.")

-- | Given a set of possible branchers, and a set of possible source
-- repositories, find a repository that is both 1) likely to be specific to
-- this source version and 2) is supported by the local machine.
findBranchCmd :: Data.Map.Map PD.RepoType Brancher -> [PD.SourceRepo]
-> (Maybe PD.RepoKind) -> Maybe BranchCmd
findBranchCmd branchers allRepos maybeKind = cmd where
-- Sort repositories by kind, from This to Head to Unknown. Repositories
-- with equivalent kinds are selected based on the order they appear in
-- the Cabal description file.
repos' = sortBy (comparing thisFirst) allRepos
thisFirst r = case PD.repoKind r of
PD.RepoThis -> 0 :: Int
PD.RepoHead -> case PD.repoTag r of
-- If the type is 'head' but the author specified a tag, they
-- probably meant to create a 'this' repository but screwed up.
Just _ -> 0
Nothing -> 1
PD.RepoKindUnknown _ -> 2

-- If the user has specified the repo kind, filter out the repositories
-- she's not interested in.
repos = maybe repos' (\k -> filter ((==) k . PD.repoKind) repos') maybeKind

repoBranchCmd repo = do
t <- PD.repoType repo
brancher <- Data.Map.lookup t branchers
brancherBuildCmd brancher repo

cmd = listToMaybe (mapMaybe repoBranchCmd repos)

-- | Branch driver for Bazaar.
branchBzr :: Brancher
branchBzr = Brancher "bzr" $ \repo -> do
src <- PD.repoLocation repo
let args dst = case PD.repoTag repo of
Just tag -> ["branch", src, dst, "-r", "tag:" ++ tag]
Nothing -> ["branch", src, dst]
return $ BranchCmd $ \verbosity dst -> do
notice verbosity ("bzr: branch " ++ show src)
rawSystem "bzr" (args dst)

-- | Branch driver for Darcs.
branchDarcs :: Brancher
branchDarcs = Brancher "darcs" $ \repo -> do
src <- PD.repoLocation repo
let args dst = case PD.repoTag repo of
Just tag -> ["get", src, dst, "-t", tag]
Nothing -> ["get", src, dst]
return $ BranchCmd $ \verbosity dst -> do
notice verbosity ("darcs: get " ++ show src)
rawSystem "darcs" (args dst)

-- | Branch driver for Git.
branchGit :: Brancher
branchGit = Brancher "git" $ \repo -> do
src <- PD.repoLocation repo
let branchArgs = case PD.repoBranch repo of
Just b -> ["--branch", b]
Nothing -> []
let postClone dst = case PD.repoTag repo of
Just t -> do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
setCurrentDirectory dst
(rawSystem "git" (["checkout", t] ++ branchArgs))
(setCurrentDirectory cwd)
Nothing -> return ExitSuccess
return $ BranchCmd $ \verbosity dst -> do
notice verbosity ("git: clone " ++ show src)
code <- rawSystem "git" (["clone", src, dst] ++ branchArgs)
case code of
ExitFailure _ -> return code
ExitSuccess -> postClone dst

-- | Branch driver for Mercurial.
branchHg :: Brancher
branchHg = Brancher "hg" $ \repo -> do
src <- PD.repoLocation repo
let branchArgs = case PD.repoBranch repo of
Just b -> ["--branch", b]
Nothing -> []
let tagArgs = case PD.repoTag repo of
Just t -> ["--rev", t]
Nothing -> []
let args dst = ["clone", src, dst] ++ branchArgs ++ tagArgs
return $ BranchCmd $ \verbosity dst -> do
notice verbosity ("hg: clone " ++ show src)
rawSystem "hg" (args dst)

-- | Branch driver for Subversion.
branchSvn :: Brancher
branchSvn = Brancher "svn" $ \repo -> do
src <- PD.repoLocation repo
let args dst = ["checkout", src, dst]
return $ BranchCmd $ \verbosity dst -> do
notice verbosity ("svn: checkout " ++ show src)
rawSystem "svn" (args dst)

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