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Rebase work of cfraz89 and bgamari
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Add (currently nonfunctional) new-show-build-info
Fix compile error
Make new-show-build-info functional
Use silent verbosity by default on showBuildInfo commands to keep output json clean
Make show-build-info commands hidden
Implement write-autogen-files
Make new-write-autogen-files work
Make new-write-autogen-files configure if necessary
Use target selectors for new-show-build-info
Don't prune plan for new-show-build-info
Only configure in new-show-build-info and new-write-autogen-files if no persist build info file is found
Wrap multiple target output of new-show-build-info in json list
  • Loading branch information
fendor committed Sep 14, 2019
1 parent 7b222f4 commit 59281db
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Showing 5 changed files with 602 additions and 31 deletions.
254 changes: 254 additions & 0 deletions cabal-install/Distribution/Client/CmdShowBuildInfo.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
-- | cabal-install CLI command: build
module Distribution.Client.CmdShowBuildInfo (
-- * The @build@ CLI and action
) where

import Distribution.Client.ProjectOrchestration
import Distribution.Client.CmdErrorMessages
import Distribution.Client.CmdInstall.ClientInstallFlags

import Distribution.Client.Setup
( GlobalFlags, ConfigFlags(..), ConfigExFlags, InstallFlags )
import qualified Distribution.Client.Setup as Client
import Distribution.Simple.Setup
( HaddockFlags, fromFlagOrDefault, TestFlags )
import Distribution.Simple.Command
( CommandUI(..), usageAlternatives )
import Distribution.Verbosity
( Verbosity, silent )
import Distribution.Simple.Utils
( wrapText, die')
import Distribution.Types.UnitId (UnitId)

import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Distribution.Simple.Setup as Cabal
import Distribution.Client.SetupWrapper
import Distribution.Simple.Program ( defaultProgramDb )
import qualified Distribution.Client.InstallPlan as InstallPlan
import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning.Types
import Distribution.Client.ProjectPlanning (
setupHsConfigureFlags, setupHsConfigureArgs,
setupHsBuildFlags, setupHsBuildArgs,
import Distribution.Client.DistDirLayout (distBuildDirectory)
import Distribution.Client.Types ( PackageLocation(..), GenericReadyPackage(..) )
import Distribution.Client.JobControl (newLock, Lock)
import Distribution.Simple.Configure (tryGetPersistBuildConfig)
import Data.List (find)

showBuildInfoCommand :: CommandUI (ConfigFlags, ConfigExFlags, InstallFlags, HaddockFlags, TestFlags)
showBuildInfoCommand = Client.installCommand {
commandName = "new-show-build-info",
commandSynopsis = "Show project build information",
commandUsage = usageAlternatives "new-show-build-info" [ "[TARGETS] [FLAGS]" ],
commandDescription = Just $ \_ -> wrapText $
"Build one or more targets from within the project. The available "
++ "targets are the packages in the project as well as individual "
++ "components within those packages, including libraries, executables, "
++ "test-suites or benchmarks. Targets can be specified by name or "
++ "location. If no target is specified then the default is to build "
++ "the package in the current directory.\n\n"

++ "Dependencies are built or rebuilt as necessary. Additional "
++ "configuration flags can be specified on the command line and these "
++ "extend the project configuration from the 'cabal.project', "
++ "'cabal.project.local' and other files.",
commandNotes = Just $ \pname ->
++ " " ++ pname ++ " new-build\n"
++ " Build the package in the current directory or all packages in the project\n"
++ " " ++ pname ++ " new-build pkgname\n"
++ " Build the package named pkgname in the project\n"
++ " " ++ pname ++ " new-build ./pkgfoo\n"
++ " Build the package in the ./pkgfoo directory\n"
++ " " ++ pname ++ " new-build cname\n"
++ " Build the component named cname module Distribution.Client.InstallPlanin the project\n"
++ " " ++ pname ++ " new-build cname --module Distribution.Client.InstallPlanenable-profiling\n"
++ " Build the component in profilingmodule Distribution.Client.InstallPlan mode (including dependencies as needed)\n\n"

++ cmdCommonHelpTextNewBuildBeta

-- | The @build@ command does a lot. It brings the install plan up to date,
-- selects that part of the plan needed by the given or implicit targets and
-- then executes the plan.
-- For more details on how this works, see the module
-- "Distribution.Client.ProjectOrchestration"
showBuildInfoAction :: (ConfigFlags, ConfigExFlags, InstallFlags, HaddockFlags, TestFlags)
-> [String] -> GlobalFlags -> IO ()
showBuildInfoAction (configFlags, configExFlags, installFlags, haddockFlags, testFlags)
targetStrings globalFlags = do

baseCtx <- establishProjectBaseContext verbosity cliConfig
let baseCtx' = baseCtx {
buildSettings = (buildSettings baseCtx) {
buildSettingDryRun = True

targetSelectors <- either (reportTargetSelectorProblems verbosity) return
=<< readTargetSelectors (localPackages baseCtx') Nothing targetStrings

buildCtx <-
runProjectPreBuildPhase verbosity baseCtx' $ \elaboratedPlan -> do
-- Interpret the targets on the command line as build targets
-- (as opposed to say repl or haddock targets).
targets <- either (reportTargetProblems verbosity) return
$ resolveTargets

-- Don't prune the plan though, as we want a list of all configured packages
return (elaboratedPlan, targets)

scriptLock <- newLock
showTargets verbosity baseCtx' buildCtx scriptLock

-- Default to silent verbosity otherwise it will pollute our json output
verbosity = fromFlagOrDefault silent (configVerbosity configFlags)
cliConfig = commandLineFlagsToProjectConfig
globalFlags configFlags configExFlags
installFlags defaultClientInstallFlags

-- Pretty nasty piecemeal out of json, but I can't see a way to retrieve output of the setupWrapper'd tasks
showTargets :: Verbosity -> ProjectBaseContext -> ProjectBuildContext -> Lock -> IO ()
showTargets verbosity baseCtx buildCtx lock = do
putStr "["
mapM_ showSeparated (zip [0..] targets)
putStrLn "]"
where configured = [p | InstallPlan.Configured p <- InstallPlan.toList (elaboratedPlanOriginal buildCtx)]
targets = fst <$> (Map.toList . targetsMap $ buildCtx)
doShowInfo unitId = showInfo verbosity baseCtx buildCtx lock configured unitId
showSeparated (idx, unitId)
| idx == length targets - 1 = doShowInfo unitId
| otherwise = doShowInfo unitId >> putStrLn ","

showInfo :: Verbosity -> ProjectBaseContext -> ProjectBuildContext -> Lock -> [ElaboratedConfiguredPackage] -> UnitId -> IO ()
showInfo verbosity baseCtx buildCtx lock pkgs targetUnitId
| Nothing <- mbPkg = die' verbosity $ "No unit " ++ show targetUnitId
| Just pkg <- mbPkg = do
let shared = elaboratedShared buildCtx
install = elaboratedPlanOriginal buildCtx
dirLayout = distDirLayout baseCtx
buildDir = distBuildDirectory dirLayout (elabDistDirParams shared pkg)
flags = setupHsBuildFlags pkg shared verbosity buildDir
args = setupHsBuildArgs pkg
srcDir = case (elabPkgSourceLocation pkg) of
LocalUnpackedPackage fp -> fp
_ -> ""
scriptOptions = setupHsScriptOptions
(ReadyPackage pkg)
configureFlags = setupHsConfigureFlags (ReadyPackage pkg) shared verbosity buildDir
configureArgs = setupHsConfigureArgs pkg
--Configure the package if there's no existing config
lbi <- tryGetPersistBuildConfig buildDir
case lbi of
Left _ -> setupWrapper
(Just $ elabPkgDescription pkg)
(Cabal.configureCommand defaultProgramDb)
(const $ configureFlags)
(const configureArgs)
Right _ -> pure ()
(Just $ elabPkgDescription pkg)
(Cabal.showBuildInfoCommand defaultProgramDb)
(const flags)
(const args)
where mbPkg = find ((targetUnitId ==) . elabUnitId) pkgs

-- | This defines what a 'TargetSelector' means for the @write-autogen-files@ command.
-- It selects the 'AvailableTarget's that the 'TargetSelector' refers to,
-- or otherwise classifies the problem.
-- For the @write-autogen-files@ command select all components except non-buildable and disabled
-- tests\/benchmarks, fail if there are no such components
selectPackageTargets :: TargetSelector
-> [AvailableTarget k] -> Either TargetProblem [k]
selectPackageTargets targetSelector targets

-- If there are any buildable targets then we select those
| not (null targetsBuildable)
= Right targetsBuildable

-- If there are targets but none are buildable then we report those
| not (null targets)
= Left (TargetProblemNoneEnabled targetSelector targets')

-- If there are no targets at all then we report that
| otherwise
= Left (TargetProblemNoTargets targetSelector)
targets' = forgetTargetsDetail targets
targetsBuildable = selectBuildableTargetsWith
(buildable targetSelector)

-- When there's a target filter like "pkg:tests" then we do select tests,
-- but if it's just a target like "pkg" then we don't build tests unless
-- they are requested by default (i.e. by using --enable-tests)
buildable (TargetPackage _ _ Nothing) TargetNotRequestedByDefault = False
buildable (TargetAllPackages Nothing) TargetNotRequestedByDefault = False
buildable _ _ = True

-- | For a 'TargetComponent' 'TargetSelector', check if the component can be
-- selected.
-- For the @build@ command we just need the basic checks on being buildable etc.
selectComponentTarget :: SubComponentTarget
-> AvailableTarget k -> Either TargetProblem k
selectComponentTarget subtarget =
either (Left . TargetProblemCommon) Right
. selectComponentTargetBasic subtarget

-- | The various error conditions that can occur when matching a
-- 'TargetSelector' against 'AvailableTarget's for the @build@ command.
data TargetProblem =
TargetProblemCommon TargetProblemCommon

-- | The 'TargetSelector' matches targets but none are buildable
| TargetProblemNoneEnabled TargetSelector [AvailableTarget ()]

-- | There are no targets at all
| TargetProblemNoTargets TargetSelector
deriving (Eq, Show)

reportTargetProblems :: Verbosity -> [TargetProblem] -> IO a
reportTargetProblems verbosity =
die' verbosity . unlines . map renderTargetProblem

renderTargetProblem :: TargetProblem -> String
renderTargetProblem (TargetProblemCommon problem) =
renderTargetProblemCommon "build" problem
renderTargetProblem (TargetProblemNoneEnabled targetSelector targets) =
renderTargetProblemNoneEnabled "build" targetSelector targets
renderTargetProblem(TargetProblemNoTargets targetSelector) =
renderTargetProblemNoTargets "build" targetSelector

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