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Network.TLS.IO: Return errors as Left
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Previously these were thrown as exceptions even though the error
types were correct to return then as a Left.

Closes: #220
  • Loading branch information
erikd committed May 9, 2017
1 parent 615fb2d commit 03d7234
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Showing 2 changed files with 34 additions and 28 deletions.
13 changes: 4 additions & 9 deletions core/Network/TLS/Core.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -82,15 +82,10 @@ sendData ctx dataToSend = liftIO (checkValid ctx) >> mapM_ sendDataChunk (L.toCh
recvData :: MonadIO m => Context -> m B.ByteString
recvData ctx = liftIO $ do
checkValid ctx
E.catchJust safeHandleError_EOF
(\() -> return B.empty)
where doRecv = do
pkt <- withReadLock ctx $ recvPacket ctx
either onError process pkt

safeHandleError_EOF Error_EOF = Just ()
safeHandleError_EOF _ = Nothing
pkt <- withReadLock ctx $ recvPacket ctx
either onError process pkt
where onError Error_EOF = -- Not really an error.
return B.empty

onError err@(Error_Protocol (reason,fatal,desc)) =
terminate err (if fatal then AlertLevel_Fatal else AlertLevel_Warning) desc reason
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49 changes: 30 additions & 19 deletions core/Network/TLS/IO.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,15 +34,18 @@ checkValid ctx = do
eofed <- ctxEOF ctx
when eofed $ throwIO $ mkIOError eofErrorType "data" Nothing Nothing

readExact :: Context -> Int -> IO Bytes
readExact :: Context -> Int -> IO (Either TLSError Bytes)
readExact ctx sz = do
hdrbs <- contextRecv ctx sz
when (B.length hdrbs < sz) $ do
setEOF ctx
if B.null hdrbs
then throwCore Error_EOF
else throwCore (Error_Packet ("partial packet: expecting " ++ show sz ++ " bytes, got: " ++ (show $B.length hdrbs)))
return hdrbs
if B.length hdrbs == sz
then return $ Right hdrbs
else do
setEOF ctx
return . Left $
if B.null hdrbs
then Error_EOF
else Error_Packet ("partial packet: expecting " ++ show sz ++ " bytes, got: " ++ (show $B.length hdrbs))

-- | recvRecord receive a full TLS record (header + data), from the other side.
Expand All @@ -52,24 +55,32 @@ recvRecord :: Bool -- ^ flag to enable SSLv2 compat ClientHello reception
-> IO (Either TLSError (Record Plaintext))
recvRecord compatSSLv2 ctx
| compatSSLv2 = do
header <- readExact ctx 2
if B.head header < 0x80
then readExact ctx 3 >>= either (return . Left) recvLength . decodeHeader . B.append header
else either (return . Left) recvDeprecatedLength $ decodeDeprecatedHeaderLength header
| compatSSLv2 = readExact ctx 2 >>= either (return . Left) sslv2Header
| otherwise = readExact ctx 5 >>= either (return . Left) recvLength . decodeHeader
where recvLength header@(Header _ _ readlen)
| otherwise = readExact ctx 5 >>= either (return . Left) (recvLengthE . decodeHeader)

where recvLengthE = either (return . Left) recvLength

recvLength header@(Header _ _ readlen)
| readlen > 16384 + 2048 = return $ Left maximumSizeExceeded
| otherwise = readExact ctx (fromIntegral readlen) >>= getRecord header
| otherwise =
readExact ctx (fromIntegral readlen) >>=
either (return . Left) (getRecord header)
sslv2Header header =
if B.head header >= 0x80
then either (return . Left) recvDeprecatedLength $ decodeDeprecatedHeaderLength header
else readExact ctx 3 >>=
either (return . Left) (recvLengthE . decodeHeader . B.append header)

recvDeprecatedLength readlen
| readlen > 1024 * 4 = return $ Left maximumSizeExceeded
| otherwise = do
content <- readExact ctx (fromIntegral readlen)
case decodeDeprecatedHeader readlen content of
Left err -> return $ Left err
Right header -> getRecord header content
res <- readExact ctx (fromIntegral readlen)
case res of
Left e -> return $ Left e
Right content ->
either (return . Left) (flip getRecord content) $ decodeDeprecatedHeader readlen content
maximumSizeExceeded = Error_Protocol ("record exceeding maximum size", True, RecordOverflow)
getRecord :: Header -> Bytes -> IO (Either TLSError (Record Plaintext))
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