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Add instance ASN1Object PrivKey (#55)
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The original author of this code is Shane O'Brien <[email protected]>,
who has kindly offered to release it under a BSD3 license for our use
#55 (comment)

I have merely copied this from
with minor modifications.
  • Loading branch information
chris-martin committed Apr 6, 2018
1 parent 221c275 commit 397dfac
Showing 1 changed file with 194 additions and 1 deletion.
195 changes: 194 additions & 1 deletion x509/Data/X509/PrivateKey.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,8 +13,18 @@ module Data.X509.PrivateKey
, privkeyToAlg
) where

import qualified Data.ByteString as B

import Data.ASN1.Types
import Data.ASN1.Encoding
import Data.ASN1.BinaryEncoding
import Data.ASN1.BitArray

import Data.X509.AlgorithmIdentifier
import Data.X509.PublicKey (SerializedPoint(..))
import Data.X509.OID (lookupByOID, curvesOIDTable)

import Crypto.Number.Serialize (i2osp, os2ip)
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.RSA as RSA
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.DSA as DSA
import qualified Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Types as ECC
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,9 +56,192 @@ data PrivKey =
| PrivKeyEC PrivKeyEC -- ^ EC private key
deriving (Show,Eq)

instance ASN1Object PrivKey where
fromASN1 = privkeyFromASN1
toASN1 = privkeyToASN1

privkeyFromASN1 :: [ASN1] -> Either String (PrivKey, [ASN1])
privkeyFromASN1 asn1 =
(mapFst PrivKeyRSA <$> rsaFromASN1 asn1) <!>
(mapFst PrivKeyDSA <$> dsaFromASN1 asn1) <!>
(mapFst PrivKeyEC <$> ecdsaFromASN1 asn1)
mapFst f (a, b) = (f a, b)

Left _ <!> b = b
a <!> _ = a

rsaFromASN1 :: [ASN1] -> Either String (RSA.PrivateKey, [ASN1])
rsaFromASN1 (Start Sequence : IntVal 0 : IntVal n : IntVal e : IntVal d
: IntVal p : IntVal q : IntVal dP : IntVal dQ : IntVal qinv
: End Sequence : as) = pure (key, as)
key = RSA.PrivateKey (RSA.PublicKey (go n 1) n e) d p q dP dQ qinv
go m i
| 2 ^ (i * 8) > m = i
| otherwise = go m (i + 1)
rsaFromASN1 (Start Sequence : IntVal 0 : Start Sequence
: OID [1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 1] : Null : End Sequence
: OctetString bytes : End Sequence : as) = do
asn1 <- mapLeft failure (decodeASN1' BER bytes)
fmap (const as) <$> rsaFromASN1 asn1
failure = ("rsaFromASN1: " ++) . show
rsaFromASN1 _ = Left "rsaFromASN1: unexpected format"

dsaFromASN1 :: [ASN1] -> Either String (DSA.PrivateKey, [ASN1])
dsaFromASN1 (Start Sequence : IntVal 0 : IntVal p : IntVal q : IntVal g
: IntVal _ : IntVal x : End Sequence : as) =
pure (DSA.PrivateKey (DSA.Params p g q) x, as)
dsaFromASN1 (Start Sequence : IntVal 0 : Start Sequence
: OID [1, 2, 840, 10040, 4, 1] : Start Sequence : IntVal p : IntVal q
: IntVal g : End Sequence : End Sequence : OctetString bytes
: End Sequence : as) = case decodeASN1' BER bytes of
Right [IntVal x] -> pure (DSA.PrivateKey (DSA.Params p g q) x, as)
Right _ -> Left "DSA.PrivateKey.fromASN1: unexpected format"
Left e -> Left $ "DSA.PrivateKey.fromASN1: " ++ show e
dsaFromASN1 _ = Left "DSA.PrivateKey.fromASN1: unexpected format"

ecdsaFromASN1 :: [ASN1] -> Either String (PrivKeyEC, [ASN1])
ecdsaFromASN1 = go []
failing = ("ECDSA.PrivateKey.fromASN1: " ++)

go acc (Start Sequence : IntVal 1 : OctetString bytes : rest) = do
key <- subgo (oid ++ acc)
case rest'' of
End Sequence : rest''' -> pure (key, rest''')
_ -> Left $ failing "unexpected EC format"
d = os2ip bytes
(oid, rest') = spanTag 0 rest
(_, rest'') = spanTag 1 rest'
subgo (OID oid_ : _) = maybe failure success mcurve
failure = Left $ failing $ "unknown curve " ++ show oid_
success = Right . flip PrivKeyEC_Named d
mcurve = lookupByOID curvesOIDTable oid_
subgo (Start Sequence : IntVal 1 : Start Sequence
: OID [1, 2, 840, 10045, 1, 1] : IntVal p : End Sequence
: Start Sequence : OctetString a : OctetString b : BitString s
: End Sequence : OctetString g : IntVal o : IntVal c
: End Sequence : _) =
pure $ PrivKeyEC_Prime d a' b' p g' o c s'
a' = os2ip a
b' = os2ip b
g' = SerializedPoint g
s' = os2ip $ bitArrayGetData s
subgo (Null : rest_) = subgo rest_
subgo [] = Left $ failing "curve is missing"
subgo _ = Left $ failing "unexpected curve format"
go acc (Start Sequence : IntVal 0 : Start Sequence
: OID [1, 2, 840, 10045, 2, 1] : rest) = case rest' of
(OctetString bytes : rest'') -> do
asn1 <- mapLeft (failing . show) (decodeASN1' BER bytes)
fmap (const rest'') <$> go (oid ++ acc) asn1
_ -> Left $ failing "unexpected EC format"
(oid, rest') = spanEnd 0 rest
go _ _ = Left $ failing "unexpected EC format"

spanEnd :: Word -> [ASN1] -> ([ASN1], [ASN1])
spanEnd = go id
go dlist n (a@(Start _) : as) = go (dlist . (a :)) (n + 1) as
go dlist 0 (End _ : as) = (dlist [], as)
go dlist n (a@(End _) : as) = go (dlist . (a :)) (n - 1) as
go dlist n (a : as) = go (dlist . (a :)) n as
go dlist _ [] = (dlist [], [])

spanTag :: Int -> [ASN1] -> ([ASN1], [ASN1])
spanTag a (Start (Container _ b) : as) | a == b = spanEnd 0 as
spanTag _ as = ([], as)

privkeyToASN1 :: PrivKey -> ASN1S
privkeyToASN1 (PrivKeyRSA rsa) = rsaToASN1 rsa
privkeyToASN1 (PrivKeyDSA dsa) = dsaToASN1 dsa
privkeyToASN1 (PrivKeyEC ecdsa) = ecdsaToASN1 ecdsa

rsaToASN1 :: RSA.PrivateKey -> ASN1S
rsaToASN1 key = (++)
[ Start Sequence, IntVal 0, IntVal n, IntVal e, IntVal d, IntVal p
, IntVal q, IntVal dP, IntVal dQ, IntVal qinv, End Sequence
RSA.PrivateKey (RSA.PublicKey _ n e) d p q dP dQ qinv = key

dsaToASN1 :: DSA.PrivateKey -> ASN1S
dsaToASN1 (DSA.PrivateKey params@(DSA.Params p g q) y) = (++)
[ Start Sequence, IntVal 0, IntVal p, IntVal q, IntVal g, IntVal x
, IntVal y, End Sequence
x = DSA.calculatePublic params y

ecdsaToASN1 :: PrivKeyEC -> ASN1S
ecdsaToASN1 (PrivKeyEC_Named curveName d) = (++)
[ Start Sequence, IntVal 1, OctetString (i2osp d)
, Start (Container Context 0), OID oid, End (Container Context 0)
, End Sequence
oid = case curveName of
ECC.SEC_p112r1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 6]
ECC.SEC_p112r2 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 7]
ECC.SEC_p128r1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 28]
ECC.SEC_p128r2 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 29]
ECC.SEC_p160k1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 9]
ECC.SEC_p160r1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 8]
ECC.SEC_p160r2 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 30]
ECC.SEC_p192k1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 31]
ECC.SEC_p192r1 -> [1, 2, 840, 10045, 3, 1, 1]
ECC.SEC_p224k1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 32]
ECC.SEC_p224r1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 33]
ECC.SEC_p256k1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 10]
ECC.SEC_p256r1 -> [1, 2, 840, 10045, 3, 1, 7]
ECC.SEC_p384r1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 34]
ECC.SEC_p521r1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 35]
ECC.SEC_t113r1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 4]
ECC.SEC_t113r2 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 5]
ECC.SEC_t131r1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 22]
ECC.SEC_t131r2 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 23]
ECC.SEC_t163k1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 1]
ECC.SEC_t163r1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 2]
ECC.SEC_t163r2 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 15]
ECC.SEC_t193r1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 24]
ECC.SEC_t193r2 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 25]
ECC.SEC_t233k1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 26]
ECC.SEC_t233r1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 27]
ECC.SEC_t239k1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 3]
ECC.SEC_t283k1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 16]
ECC.SEC_t283r1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 17]
ECC.SEC_t409k1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 36]
ECC.SEC_t409r1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 37]
ECC.SEC_t571k1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 38]
ECC.SEC_t571r1 -> [1, 3, 132, 0, 39]
ecdsaToASN1 (PrivKeyEC_Prime d a b p g o c s) = (++)
[ Start Sequence, IntVal 1, OctetString (i2osp d)
, Start (Container Context 0), Start Sequence, IntVal 1
, Start Sequence, OID [1, 2, 840, 10045, 1, 1], IntVal p, End Sequence
, Start Sequence, OctetString a', OctetString b', BitString s'
, End Sequence, OctetString g' , IntVal o, IntVal c, End Sequence
, End (Container Context 0), End Sequence
a' = i2osp a
b' = i2osp b
SerializedPoint g' = g
s' = BitArray (8 * fromIntegral (B.length bytes)) bytes
bytes = i2osp s

mapLeft :: (a0 -> a1) -> Either a0 b -> Either a1 b
mapLeft f (Left x) = Left (f x)
mapLeft _ (Right x) = Right x

-- | Convert a Private key to the Public Key Algorithm type
privkeyToAlg :: PrivKey -> PubKeyALG
privkeyToAlg (PrivKeyRSA _) = PubKeyALG_RSA
privkeyToAlg (PrivKeyDSA _) = PubKeyALG_DSA
privkeyToAlg (PrivKeyEC _) = PubKeyALG_EC

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