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Tools for verifying Hedera smart contracts using standard open source libraries.


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Hedera Sourcify


Tools for verifying Hedera smart contracts using standard open source libraries. The verification solution is based on Sourcify, the Smart Contract verification service part of Ethereum.



Make sure both the server submodule sourcify and the repository submodule h5ai-nginx are present with

git submodule update --init --recursive

These repo submodules are sourcify and h5ai-nginx, which corresponds to the server and repository Sourcify upstream services respectively. Instead of forking those repos, we attach them here directly in order to consume upstream updates more easily. Given that the ui changes are Hedera specific, we decided to keep our ui fork with custom modifications.

Apply the Hedera customization patch to the sourcify submodule (execute this only once)

npm run server:patch

Quick Start

To start the services server, repository and ui run

docker compose up --detach

This command uses the compose.yaml located in the root folder of the repo. Go to Use Docker Images for more details.

Sanity Check the Configuration

Verify all the services are up and running. This assumes the default ports (per .env) are used.

  • Open http://localhost:5555/chains. This should return a JSON value containing the 3 Hedera public networks, Hedera Mainnet, Hedera Testnet and Hedera Previewnet, in addition to a few well-known development networks.
  • Open http://localhost:10000. This should open the Repository select-contract-form. The options available for the Chain selection should be networks described above.
  • Open http://localhost:5555/api-docs. This should open the Open API docs showcasing all endpoints offered by the server service.
  • Open http://localhost:5555/files/contracts/296. This should return a JSON value containing the addresses of all contracts verified on testnet (or report error "Contracts have not been found!" if nothing has been verified yet)
  • Open http://localhost:3001. This should bring up the Verifier page.

Local Development


To start the repository service, run

docker compose up --detach repository

To start the server run

cd sourcify
npm ci
npm run build:lerna
cp ../test/sourcify-chains.json ./services/server/dist/ 
npm run server:start

To start and bring up the UI, run in a different terminal

cd ui
npm ci
npm run start

See README in ui for more details.

To use the Mirror Node explorer with your verification instance, add this network entry to the array at /app/networks-config.json

    "name": "localnet2",
    "displayName": "LOCALNET2",
    "url": "http://localhost:5551/",
    "ledgerID": "02",
    "sourcifySetup": {
      "activate": true,
      "repoURL": "http://repository.local/contracts/",
      "serverURL": "http://localhost:5555/",
      "verifierURL": "https://localhost/#/",
      "chainID": 298

Use Docker Images


You may need to authenticate to the GitHub container registry using a Personal Access Token as described here to pull the Docker images.

You can either use pre-built Docker images from the GitHub container repository or build the images locally.

Hedera verification service uses 3 images

  • server [Verifier Server]. This service provides the actual verification of Smart Contracts. Its main task is to compile input Solidity sources and check compiler results. It checks compilers results against the bytecode retrieved from an Ethereum-compatible network, e.g., JSON-RPC Relay. Other services interact with it through its REST API. You can inspect the endpoints provided by visiting /api-docs (OpenAPI generated docs) on the server, e.g., A successful verification stores the contracts sources under Repository Volume.
  • repository [Repository]. Provides a verified Smart Contract front end lookup and explorer. It reads verified smart contracts from the Repository Volume.
  • ui [Verifier UI]. A user frontend to verify and lookup Smart Contracts.


Note that unlike Sourcify, we do not use the monitor service given that we do not use IPFS verification. That is, we only use server and repository services from upstream Sourcify.

Currently we host two UIs for contract verification, our custom UI and the VERIFY CONTRACT within Both use the verification API

The ui image needs some front-end customizations, therefore we keep our own fork of the image.

    title Container Diagram for Smart Contract Verification System

    Container_Boundary(scvs, "Smart Contract Verification System") {
        Container(ui, "Verifier UI", "JavaScript, React", "Customized Sourcify Verifier front-end")
        Container(server, "Verifier Server", "JavaScript, Node", "Provides the REST API that enables verification of Smart Contracts, includes a Solidity compiler")
        Container(repo, "Repository", "nginx", "Provides a front-end to lookup and view verified Smart Contracts")
        ContainerDb_Ext(repo_vol, "Repository Volume", "File System Volume", "Stores verified smart contracts")

    System_Ext(eth, "Ethereum-compatible Network (json-rpc-relay)", "Provides the source of truth to fetch Smart Contract bytecode")

    Rel(server, eth, "Uses", "JSON-RPC `eth_getCode`")
    UpdateRelStyle(server, eth, $offsetY="-50", $offsetX="-140")

    Rel(ui, server, "Uses", "REST")

    Rel(server, repo_vol, "Mounts, read&write", "/tmp/sourcify/repository")
    Rel_Back(repo, repo_vol, "Mounts, read", "/data")

See compose.yaml for more details on how to setup and customize each service.

Pulling pre-built images

Pull all needed images

docker compose pull

or each one individually

  • docker pull
  • docker pull
  • docker pull

Build images

Run the following to build the server, repository and ui images locally

docker compose build


docker compose up --detach

Open http://localhost:3001 to bring up the UI Verifier page. You can visit http://localhost:5555/api-docs/ to see the OpenAPI docs. Verify your chain configuration is visible from http://localhost:5555/chains. The repository path is /tmp/sourcify/repository



docker compose down

Reset networks


The reset script for Docker works by deleting the repository of verified contracts on the specified network (testnet and previewnet) through the server service. In order for it to work properly, the contracts repository must be mounted on /data in the server service.

To reset testnet

docker exec server-main /home/app/ testnet

To reset previewnet

docker exec server-main /home/app/ previewnet


The following tables describe the configuration items used by the different services

ui service

The ui service is a single page application based on React. As such, it cannot be configured by environment variables at runtime. It reads its configuration from a file located at the following path /usr/share/nginx/html/config.json. In deployment, the actual configuration can be provided to the container via a mount point.

Example contents for config.json

    "SERVER_URL": "",
    "EXPLORER_URL": "http://localhost:8080",
    "REMOTE_IMPORT": false,
    "GITHUB_IMPORT": false,
    "CONTRACT_IMPORT": false,
    "JSON_IMPORT": false,
    "OPEN_IN_REMIX": false,

The following properties can be provided in config.json

Name Description
SERVER_URL URL of the server (from outside the cluster).
REPOSITORY_SERVER_URL HTTP port exposed by container
EXPLORER_URL URL of the mirror-node explorer
BRAND_PRODUCT_LOGO_URL URL of the header top left product logo (default is Hedera logo)
TERMS_OF_SERVICE_URL URL of the terms-of-service document linked from bottom of page (default is no link)
REMOTE_IMPORT Flag to activate mode "Import from remote" (default is false)
GITHUB_IMPORT Flag to activate mode "Import from GitHub" (default is false)
CONTRACT_IMPORT Flag to activate mode "Import from contract's metadata" (default is false)
JSON_IMPORT Flag to activate mode "Import contracts from Solidity's Standard JSON Input" (default is false)
OPEN_IN_REMIX Flag to activate link "Open in Remix" (default is false)
CREATE2_VERIFICATION Flag to activate create2 verification (default is false)

The favicon may be customized by providing alternative versions of the 3 following files: manifest.json, favicon.ico, favicon-16x16.png, favicon-32x32.png and passing them to the ui service via mount points.

This can be done for instance by adding the following to the definition of the ui service in the compose.yaml file used

  - type: bind
    source: ./manifest.json
    target: /usr/share/nginx/html/manifest.json
  - type: bind
    source: ./favicon.ico
    target: /usr/share/nginx/html/favicon.ico
  - type: bind
    source: ./favicon-16x16.png
    target: /usr/share/nginx/html/favicon-16x16.png
  - type: bind
    source: ./favicon-32x32.png
    target: /usr/share/nginx/html/favicon-32x32.png`

server service

The following settings are set in a local.js file needed by the server at runtime

Name Example value Description
server.port 5555 HTTP port used inside container
repositoryV1.path /data Path of the mount point of the verified contract repository (inside container)
solcRepo /home/data/solc-bin/linux-amd64 Path where Solidity compiler binaries will be saved (inside container)
solJsonRepo /home/data/solc-bin/soljson Path where Solidity JS compilers will be saved (inside container)
corsAllowdOrigins [/^https?:\/\/(?:.+\.)?$/] List of regexes that will be allowed by CORS inside the server


See server's README for more details.

This sourcify-chains.json should be used to configure Hedera chains. The host.docker.internal hostname is used to make connections between containers. See for more details.

  "295": {
    "sourcifyName": "Hedera Mainnet",
    "supported": true
  "296": {
    "sourcifyName": "Hedera Testnet",
    "supported": true
  "297": {
    "sourcifyName": "Hedera Previewnet",
    "supported": true
  "298": {
    "sourcifyName": "Hedera Localnet",
    "supported": true,
    "rpc": [

You can customize OpenAPI Servers list by changing the servers.yaml file. For example

- description: The current REST API server
  url: ""
- description: The production REST API server
  url: ""
- description: The staging REST API server
  url: ""
- description: Local development server address on default port 5002
  url: "http://localhost:5002"

repository service

The repository service encompasses a single page application based on React and a web server.

In deployment, the actual configuration can be provided to the container via the same mount point as the one provided to the ui, even though the only useful item for the repository is the following "SERVER_URL": "" value.


Given we leverage the Sourcify code base as is, we maintain only a subset of Sourcify server tests against a local chain and a basic non-regression server test using Hedera local node.

Sourcify Server

First compile the Sourcify server. cd ./sourcify and run

npm ci
npm run build:lerna

Then (from the repo root) run the Sourcify server tests with

npm run test:server


Do not update the ganache dependency. Its latest version 7.9.2 (and most probably the last one given Ganache is no longer supported) has some dependency issues that for some reason makes fsevents non-optional. This in turn makes non-darwin installations, e.g., Github Actions jobs, to fail when running npm ci with

npm ERR! notsup Unsupported platform for [email protected]: wanted {"os":"darwin"} (current: {"os":"linux"})


The Hedera local node variables HEDERA_NETWORK, OPERATOR_ACCOUNT_ID and OPERATOR_KEY are defined in test/.env.test.

Start Hedera local node with

npm run local-node:start

In another terminal session, cd ./sourcify and start the Sourcify server with

npm ci
npm run build:lerna
cp ../test/sourcify-chains.json ./services/server/dist/ 
npm run server:start


The sourcify-chains.json is used to setup both the chain ID and JSON-RPC for the Hedera Localnet network.

Finally (from the repo root) run the server tests

npm run test:hedera


See tools folder to setup development environments to work with a custom verification deployment.


To release a new version X.Y.Z follow the next steps.

First, create a release branch. For example use the name release/X.Y for a minor release. Bump versions in a new PR against this release branch to the target version, X.Y.Z-rc1 and merge it back into the release branch, i.e., release/X.Y.

Create another PR against main for snapshot bumping, i.e.,X.(Y+1).0-SNAPSHOT. Only perform this step for rc releases, for ga releases there should be already a release/X.Y branch.

The repo has Github Actions automation to generate Docker images based on the latest changes in a branch. To trigger image generation in GitHub Actions for release version X.Y.Z push a new tag using the following commands

git checkout release/X.Y
git pull
git tag vX.Y.Z
git push origin vX.Y.Z

When the workflow is done, the images should be published under Verify that everything works as expected. You can use the following checklist to make sure the new release, either integration or production, was successful.

  • Check available Hedera public networks. Make sure both the endpoint and Chain select list in returns the Hedera public networks, mainnet, testnet and previewnet.
  • Check servers list. Make sure Servers listed in are properly set to Hedera and local servers.
  • Verify a contract using Hashscan. Deploy a contract with your favorite tool. Verify it using the VERIFY CONTRACT button in the Contract view in Hashscan. Make sure the verified contract is visible from the repository. See How to Verify a Smart Contract on HashScan for more details.
  • Verify a contract using the Verifier UI. Deploy a contract with your favorite tool. Verify it using the Verifier UI. Make sure the verified contract is visible from the repository. Make sure the verified contract is visible as such in the Contract view in Hashscan.
  • Verify a contract using a Hardhat project. Make sure the hardhat-verify plugin is able to verify a contract in the deployed instance. See tools/README for more details.
  • Verify a contract using a Foundry project. Make sure the forge create and forge-contract commands are able to verify a contract in the deployed instance. See tools/README for more details.
  • Ensure your deployed contracts are listed. Use the endpoint (change the domain if necessary) and make sure the deployed contracts are listed there.

Once you ensure the new release works properly, create a GitHub Release to let users and developers of what has changed. Go to and follow the steps under Draft a new release.


If you have a question on how to use the product, please see our support guide.


Contributions are welcome. Please see the contributing guide to see how you can get involved.

Code of Conduct

This project is governed by the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code of conduct. Please report unacceptable behavior to [email protected].


Apache License 2.0

πŸ” Security

Please do not file a public ticket mentioning the vulnerability. Refer to the security policy defined in the