Python package to retrieve and process google doc revision history data.
Documentation website:
- python 3
pip install gdocrevisions
- Create a google service account and create a json credentials file.
- Share a google doc with the service account email (e.g. [email protected])
Code example demonstrating how to:
- generate credentials with the google-auth library
- load a document with the gdocrevisions
class - inspect a few attributes of the
object instance
from google.oauth2 import service_account
import gdocrevisions
# The file id can be found in the URL
# e.g.<FILE_ID>
FILE_ID = 'abcdefg12345'
# Specify the service account credentials file
CREDENTIAL_FILE = 'my-credentials.json'
SCOPE = ['']
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file(CREDENTIAL_FILE, scopes=SCOPE)
# Initialize a GoogleDoc object instance, which retrieves revision data
gdoc = gdocrevisions.GoogleDoc(FILE_ID, credentials)
# Doc and revision data is available in the object instance attributes
A Docker-based environment is specified for development and testing.
The environment variable GOOGLE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_INFO
must be populated in order to run tests. The variable should contain the text content of a Google service account file, for use with google.oauth2.service_account,.Credentials.from_service_account_info. It can be defined in a
.envfile in the same directory as