This machine learning model detects whether the received mail is spam or ham. This project is done in Python. In this project I have used Logistic Regression.
Steps Followed-
Importing the required Dependencies- Importing all the required libraries for our model.
Data Collection and Analysis- Load the Mail Dataset and analyse it
Separating the features and data- Label 0 will correspond to Spam. Label 1 with correspond to Ham.
Data Standarization- Standarizing the data in a particular range
Split the data into Training data & Testing- For 80% of data is stored in X_train and corresponding labels Y_train. Similarly 20% of data is stored in X_test and corresponding labels in Y_test.
Data Model Evaluation- Accuracy score of the training data : 0.9946152120260264. Accuracy score of the test data :0.9659192825112107.
Building a Predictive System- This is the last step.This gives the result whether whether the received mail is spam or ham.