To test locally:
docker build -t lightgbm .
docker run --rm --name lightgbm -v ~/.config:/root/.config -p 8000:80 -p 7999:79 -p 6000:6000 lightgbm:latest &
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"data": {"ndarray":[[1, 30,200,1,0]]}}' http://localhost:8000/predict
you output should look like
use -plaintext only for model hosted locally, remove the flag for model hosted on Barista.
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"data": {"ndarray":[[1, 30,200,1,0]]}}' -proto ./prediction.proto -max-time 100 localhost:7999 seldon.protos.Seldon/Predict
you should get output like
"status": {
"meta": {
"metrics": [
"key": "seldon_run_time_histogram",
"type": "TIMER",
"value": 1.0972023, # this value is in milliseconds (though get exposed as seconds in prometheus)
"tags": {
"route": "GRPC",
"service": "my-model-name"
"data": {
"ndarray": [
curl localhost:6000/metrics