Handy C# extensions and utilities. See unit tests for specifics.
Combine properties from several objects. Simple and effective when type information is not needed by the consumer. For example, sending arguments to Dapper.
var foo = new { Foo = "Foo" };
var bar = new { Bar = "Bar" };
var baz = new { Baz = "Baz" };
// result contains all 3 objects' properties.
dynamic result = new ExpandoObject().AddProperties(foo).AddProperties(bar).AddProperties(baz);
Create a clone of an object including nested objects. The clone is a full [deep] cone, not a copy of references.
class Foo{
public Bar Bar{get;set;}
class Bar{
public string Baz{get;set;}
var foo = new Foo { Bar = new Bar { Baz = "Foo-Bar-Baz" } };
// fooClone is a deep copy of foo.
var fooClone = foo.DeepClone();
Copies public properties from the source to the destination where the name and type match.
class Foo{
public string Bar{get;set;}
var source = new Foo{Bar = "source"};
var destination = new Foo{Bar = "destination"};
// source.Bar == "destination"
Get an encoded string from a byte array.
var bytes = new byte[] { 0x66, 0x6f, 0x6f };
var myString = bytes.FromArray(); // (default UTF8 encoding)
// myString == "foo"
Get an encoded string from a byte array.
var bytes = "foo".ToArray(); // (defaults to UTF8 encoding)
// bytes == new byte[] { 0x66, 0x6f, 0x6f }