A nifty rails application used for hosting several websites for HARMAN Signal Processing brands. In theory, this framework could be used to build a site for any company that makes products. Doing so would require customzing the CSS and HTML templates (undocumented). Features include:
- Homepage with feature slideshow, social feeds, etc.
- Product catalog (organized by product families)
- Product attachments (manuals, photos, etc.)
- News articles with RSS feed
- Promotions
- Artists (notable people who use your products)
- Product registration
- Find a dealer with mapped results (US)
- Find a distributor (non-US)
- Buy-it-now links to online retailers
- Support/Contact Us
- Software downloads section with simple counter
- I18n (content translation). Bing auto-translation with manual adjustment if needed.
- Site search using thinking_sphinx
- Administrative interface for all of that stuff above.
Users for administration, job queue, marketing toolkits and artists section are managed with Devise and CanCan.