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Support multi line interpreter directive comments
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Multi line block comments can now be used for additional stack arguments
when stack is used as script interpreter. Like this:

{- stack
  --verbosity silent
  --resolver lts-3.14
  --package random
  --package system-argv0

Newlines are ignored in the block comments. This allows for better
formatting of longer commands.

Previous single line format is supported as usual. The single line
syntax now allows a missing space between comment marker and the start
of command i.e. "--stack ..." too works now.

Updated the guide with complete syntax and semantics.

Closes commercialhaskell#1394
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harendra-kumar committed Dec 5, 2015
1 parent 0423980 commit ba9de17
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44 changes: 35 additions & 9 deletions doc/
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Expand Up @@ -1356,6 +1356,8 @@ instead of creating an entire Cabal package for it. You can use `stack exec
ghc` or `stack exec runghc` for that. As simple helpers, we also provide the
`stack ghc` and `stack runghc` commands, for these common cases.
## script interpreter
stack also offers a very useful feature for running files: a script
interpreter. For too long have Haskellers felt shackled to bash or Python
because it's just too hard to create reusable source-only Haskell scripts.
Expand All @@ -1382,19 +1384,43 @@ Using resolver: lts-3.2 specified on command line
Hello World!
If you're on Windows: you can run `stack turtle.hs` instead of `./turtle.hs`.
The first line is the usual "shebang" to use stack as a script interpreter. The
second line, which is required, provides additional options to stack (due to
the common limitation of the "shebang" line only being allowed a single
argument). In this case, the options tell stack to use the lts-3.2 resolver,
automatically install GHC if it is not already installed, and ensure the turtle
package is available.
The first run can take a while (as it has to download GHC if necessary and build
dependencies), but subsequent runs are able to reuse everything already built,
and are therefore quite fast.
The first line in the source file is the usual "shebang" to use stack as a
script interpreter. The second line, which is required, is a Haskell comment
providing additional options to stack (due to the common limitation of the
"shebang" line only being allowed a single argument). In this case, the options
tell stack to use the lts-3.2 resolver, automatically install GHC if it is not
already installed, and ensure the turtle package is available.
If you're on Windows: you can run `stack turtle.hs` instead of `./turtle.hs`.
The shebang line is not required in that case.
The stack comment must specify a single valid stack command line, starting with
`stack` as the command followed by the stack options to use for executing
this file. The comment must always be on the line immediately following the
shebang line when the shebang line is present otherwise it must be the first
line in the file. The comment must always start in the first column of the line.
When many options are needed a block style comment may be more convenient to
split the command on multiple lines for better readability. Here is an example
of a multi line block comment:
#!/usr/bin/env stack
{- stack
--verbosity silent
--resolver lts-3.2
--package turtle
You can use the `--verbosity silent` option to suppress the informational
output generated by stack which may be undesirable in a script context.
## Finding project configs, and the implicit global
Whenever you run something with stack, it needs a stack.yaml project file. The
Expand Down
129 changes: 100 additions & 29 deletions src/Data/Attoparsec/Args.hs
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@@ -1,5 +1,56 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | Parsing argument-like things.
{- | This module implements the following:
* Parsing of command line arguments for the stack command
* Parsing of additional arguments embedded in a comment when stack is
invoked as a script interpreter
===Specifying arguments in script interpreter mode
@/stack/@ can execute a Haskell source file using @/runghc/@ and if required
it can also install and setup the compiler and any package dependencies
For using a Haskell source file as an executable script on a Unix like OS,
the first line of the file must specify @stack@ as the interpreter using a
shebang directive e.g.
> #!/usr/bin/env stack
Additional arguments can be specified in a haskell comment following the
@#!@ line. The contents inside the comment must be a single valid stack
command line, starting with @stack@ as the command and followed by the
options to use for executing this file.
The comment must be on the line immediately following the @#!@ line. The
comment must start in the first column of the line. When using a block style
comment the command can be split on multiple lines.
Here is an example of a single line comment:
> #!/usr/bin/env stack
> -- stack --resolver lts-3.14 --install-ghc runghc --package random
Here is an example of a multi line block comment:
#!\/usr\/bin\/env stack
{\- stack
--verbosity silent
--resolver lts-3.14
--package random
--package system-argv0
When the @#!@ line is not present, the file can still be executed
using @stack \<file name\>@ command if the file starts with a valid stack
interpreter comment. This can be used to execute the file on Windows for
Nested block comments are not supported.

module Data.Attoparsec.Args
( EscapingMode(..)
Expand All @@ -11,14 +62,12 @@ module Data.Attoparsec.Args
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Attoparsec.Text ((<?>))
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Text as P
import Data.Attoparsec.Types (Parser)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as S
import Data.Attoparsec.Types (Parser, IResult(..))
import Data.Conduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8')
import Data.Conduit.Text(decodeUtf8)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import System.Directory (doesFileExist)
import System.Environment (getArgs, withArgs)
import System.IO (IOMode (ReadMode), withBinaryFile)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,15 +97,41 @@ argsParser mode = many (P.skipSpace *> (quoted <|> unquoted)) <*
nonquote = P.satisfy (not . (=='"'))
naked = P.satisfy (not . flip elem ("\" " :: String))

-- | Parser to extract the stack command line embedded inside a comment
-- after validating the placement and formatting rules for a valid
-- interpreter specification.

interpParser :: String -> Parser Text String
interpParser progName = P.option "" sheBangLine *> interpComment
sheBangLine = P.string "#!"
*> P.manyTill P.anyChar P.endOfLine

commentStart str = P.string str
*> P.skipSpace
*> P.string (pack progName)

-- Treat newlines as spaces inside the block comment
anyCharNormalizeSpace = let normalizeSpace c = if isSpace c then ' ' else c
in P.satisfyWith normalizeSpace $ const True

comment start end = commentStart start
*> P.manyTill anyCharNormalizeSpace end

lineComment = comment "--" P.endOfLine
blockComment = comment "{-" (P.string "-}" <?> "unterminated block comment")
interpComment = lineComment <|> blockComment

-- | Use 'withArgs' on result of 'getInterpreterArgs'.
withInterpreterArgs :: String -> ([String] -> Bool -> IO a) -> IO a
withInterpreterArgs progName inner = do
(args, isInterpreter) <- getInterpreterArgs progName
withArgs args $ inner args isInterpreter

-- | Check if command-line looks like it's being used as a script interpreter,
-- and if so look for a @-- progName ...@ comment that contains additional
-- arguments.
-- | Extract stack arguments from a correctly placed and correctly formatted
-- comment when it is being used as an interpreter

getInterpreterArgs :: String -> IO ([String], Bool)
getInterpreterArgs progName = do
args0 <- getArgs
Expand All @@ -68,31 +143,27 @@ getInterpreterArgs progName = do
margs <-
withBinaryFile x ReadMode $ \h ->
CB.sourceHandle h
$= CB.lines
$= killCR
=$= decodeUtf8
$$ sinkInterpreterArgs progName
return $ case margs of
Nothing -> (args0, True)
Just args -> (args ++ "--" : args0, True)
else return (args0, False)
_ -> return (args0, False)
killCR bs
| S.null bs || S.last bs /= 13 = bs
| otherwise = S.init bs

sinkInterpreterArgs :: Monad m => String -> Sink ByteString m (Maybe [String])
sinkInterpreterArgs :: Monad m => String -> Sink Text m (Maybe [String])
sinkInterpreterArgs progName =
await >>= maybe (return Nothing) checkShebang
>>= maybe (return Nothing) parseCommand
>>= maybe (return Nothing) parseArgs'
checkShebang bs
| "#!" `S.isPrefixOf` bs = fmap (maybe Nothing parseArgs') await
| otherwise = return (parseArgs' bs)

parseArgs' bs =
case decodeUtf8' bs of
Left _ -> Nothing
Right t ->
case P.parseOnly (argsParser Escaping) t of
Right ("--":progName':rest) | progName' == progName -> Just rest
_ -> Nothing
parseCommand = continueParse . (P.parse $ interpParser progName)

continueParse (Done _ r) = return (Just (pack r))
continueParse (Fail _ _ _) = return Nothing
continueParse (Partial k) = await
>>= maybe (return Nothing) (continueParse . k)

parseArgs' txt = case P.parseOnly (argsParser Escaping) txt of
Right args -> return $ Just args
_ -> return Nothing

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